Google’s 2019 flagship Pixel 4 is just around the corner. It will launch on October 15th this fall. The hype regarding the device is widespread like it happens every year. Each year Google brings something unique to the table with their flagship smartphones. Well, this time the company is going to introduce the magic of motion sensor on Pixel 4 and Pixel 4XL. Its technical name is Soli Motion Gesture. So, you may be wondering what it does.? Well, you can perform certain actions by waving your hands or fingers. You have to perform motion gesture. There is no need to touch the display to execute an action like we have been doing on the smartphones all these years.

However, this cool feature will not be available globally. There will be selected nations where this feature will be made available on the Pixel 4 or the Pixel 4XL. Well, now in case you’re worried whether in your country Pixel 4 will sell with Soli Motion gesture or not, then we have got you covered.

In this post, we have listed out those countries where uses can witness the amazing motion sensor technology on their Pixel 4. We have also put up those nations where Pixel 4 users will not be getting this feature. So, read on to know more about this.

What is Soli Motion Gesture.?

Now, you already know that you can perform some action on your Pixel 4 by moving your hands in the air. This motion will be sensed by your device and execute the command for that app. An example can be changing a track on the music player. Simply, to go to the next song, instead of tapping the forward button, you wave your hands. Next song in the playlist starts playing. Sounds amazing, isn’t it.? You may be wondering how it works.?

The Pixel 4 will have a Soli chip present on the front bezel. This chip has been developed by ATAP. It will detect movement or motion around the device. So, as per the pre-programmed algorithms, the Soli chip will recognize certain hand gestures and perform an action as a result of that motion gesture.


List of countries where Soli Motion Gesture will be available on Pixel 4

So, here we go. There are 53 countries where Google Pixel 4 Soli Gesture will be available to the users. (updated list). These are,

  • American Samoa
  • Austria
  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • French Guiana
  • French Indian Ocean Territories
  • French Polynesia
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Guam
  • Guadeloupe
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Korea
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Martinic
  • Netherlands
  • New Caledonia
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Puerto Rico
  • Romania
  • Saint Barthélemy
  • Saint Martin
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • UAE
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Virgin Islands, U.S.
  • Wallis and Futuna

Countries that won’t get to experience Pixel 4 Motion Gesture

Apparently, there will be no motion gesture on Pixel 4 for India, Japan, Mexico, and New Zealand. Yes.! unfortunately Indian Pixel 4 users won’t have a motion sensor chip on their units.

Why Pixel 4 Motion Sensor is not available in some regions.?

Now, to answer all the disappointed Pixel fans, the Soli gesture is based on radar technology. Google has to get permission to use such technology on its smartphones and sell it in a country. Maybe certain governments have regulation on specific radar frequencies.  Google may pack something more exciting as compensation to the users from those countries where Soli Motion gesture won’t be available.

Already the device will come with Face unlock technology similar to that of Apple’s iPhone series. The top bezel on the front face will have a dot projector which will map the facial structure of the Pixel 4 user. It won’t save any image of the user. The information is stored securely in the Titan M security chip.

Along with that, the Pixel 4 series will have the snapdragon 855 from Qualcomm. Besides, we know the popular and efficient Google Camera that has been innovative in delivering unique features with every generation of Pixel phones released by Google. So, even though certain regions will miss out on the Soli radar chip, they will have a plethora of other features to enjoy.

So, what do you think of the Soli Motion Gesture and its limited availability.? Do let us know in the comment section below.


So, as we said above, Pixel 4 from Google needs to get certification in accordance with any country it wants to provide the motion sensor feature. Otherwise, Pixel 4 selling in that country won’t come with the motion sensor.

Previously, we put up the list of 38 countries where the motion sensor based on the Soli Radar chip will work. However, new reports have come from XDA which says that 53 countries will actually support the Motion sensing feature on 2019 Pixel 4. Besides, there are 23 media applications which will support the motion gesture for changing songs.

So, we have updated the list of countries in the list above. The notable new additions are Australia, UAE, Korea, French Guiana, French Indian Ocean Territories, French Polynesia etc.

Also, we have put up the list of Media playing apps that reportedly support the Soli Motion gesture on Google Pixel 4.

List of Media Apps that Support Soli Motion Gesture

Here is an interesting thing to note. India still doesn’t qualify into the list of eligible devices to support the motion gesture. However, media apps like JioSaavn, Gaana, Hungama, and Wynk will support. So, does this mean that Google is working on getting certification from India to bring the support of Motion gestures on the Pixel 4 series they will sell in the country.? We can only hope positively on this.