Zac Hall | 11:47

Seth Weintraub | 11:47

Zac Hall | 11:47 Comparing to Python as well with massing performance difference

Zac Hall | 11:46 Federighi comparing Swift speed to Objective-C

Seth Weintraub | 11:46

Zac Hall | 11:46 “The language is called Swift and it totally rules.”

Seth Weintraub | 11:46 New Programming language: Swift

Zac Hall | 11:46 New programming language… called Swift

Zac Hall | 11:46 Federighi discussing Objective-C language

Zac Hall | 11:45 Xcode: Federighi says Xcode’s latest version was downloaded 14 million times

Zac Hall | 11:45 SceneKit: new 3D scene render with integrated physics engine

Zac Hall | 11:44 SpriteKit enhancements announced

Zac Hall | 11:44 Federighi discussing SpriteKit and casual gaming on iOS

Zac Hall | 11:44 Zen Garden, game demoed showing Metal, will be available in the App Store for free alongside iOS 8

Zac Hall | 11:43 Epic Games founder and company demoing graphics using Metal 3D APIs

Seth Weintraub | 11:39

Seth Weintraub | 11:39 Metal is new 3D reduces Games overhead in 3D. Up to 10x performance

Seth Weintraub | 11:38 Cloudkit

Seth Weintraub | 11:36 HomeKit

Seth Weintraub | 11:36

Seth Weintraub | 11:35 Camera APIs and PhotoKit

Seth Weintraub | 11:35

Seth Weintraub | 11:34 Touch ID:

Seth Weintraub | 11:34

Seth Weintraub | 11:33 3rd party keyboards

Seth Weintraub | 11:33 Bing Translate also built in iOS menu item

Seth Weintraub | 11:32 Ebay notification widget allows you to bid without opening the app

Seth Weintraub | 11:31 Widgets demo

Seth Weintraub | 11:30 3rd Party Widgets that can go in notifications

Seth Weintraub | 11:29 Photo Filters

Seth Weintraub | 11:29

Seth Weintraub | 11:28 Extensibility will allow services from other apps.

Seth Weintraub | 11:28 4000 new Developer APIs

Seth Weintraub | 11:27 SDK is biggest release since launch of the app store

Seth Weintraub | 11:26

Seth Weintraub | 11:26 App Previews Videos

Seth Weintraub | 11:25

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 App Bundles

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 Editors choice category

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 Related searches

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 Scrolling Results

Seth Weintraub | 11:25 Tim: Making App Store even better:

Explore Tab

Trending Searches

Seth Weintraub | 11:24 1.2 B Apps

300M people visit app store every week

Seth Weintraub | 11:23 Hey Siri > OK, Google?

Seth Weintraub | 11:22

Seth Weintraub | 11:22 Hey Siri,

Seth Weintraub | 11:21 New iCloud Pricing for full photos

Seth Weintraub | 11:20 Photos for Mac

Seth Weintraub | 11:19 Photos for Mac SHIPPING EARLY NEXT YEAR

Seth Weintraub | 11:18 Using Levels and Color in new Photo

Seth Weintraub | 11:16 Demoing Photos

Seth Weintraub | 11:16 smart editing controls for light and color. Auto straightening cropping

Seth Weintraub | 11:16 Search Location, Time, Albums,

Seth Weintraub | 11:15 Can get at all photos in the cloud thru iPhoto

Seth Weintraub | 11:14

Seth Weintraub | 11:14 Share media and Apps with Family. So get all of your wife’s media. Up to 6 family members who share same credit card.

Seth Weintraub | 11:13

Seth Weintraub | 11:12 Family Sharing

Seth Weintraub | 11:12

Seth Weintraub | 11:10 HealthKit not HealthBook

Seth Weintraub | 11:10 Health

Seth Weintraub | 11:10 Passcode protection across apps

Seth Weintraub | 11:07 Enterprise 98% of Fortune 500 companies.

Seth Weintraub | 11:07

Seth Weintraub | 11:07 compatible with 3rd party devices. 

Seth Weintraub | 11:06 iCloud Drive on iOS

Seth Weintraub | 11:05 Hair Force One jokes. Don’t get old.

Seth Weintraub | 11:03 These new features look easy enough for just about anyone to use.

Seth Weintraub | 11:03 Greg Joswiak demoing new Messaging features

Seth Weintraub | 11:02

Seth Weintraub | 11:00 you can pick up calls on your iPad thru “Continuity”

Seth Weintraub | 11:00 learning is Private and on device. Lots of Languages

Seth Weintraub | 10:59 Dinner or Movie suggestions

Seth Weintraub | 10:59 Quicktype=predictive typing suggestions

Seth Weintraub | 10:58 Keyboard and Quicktype

Seth Weintraub | 10:58 still using google search

Seth Weintraub | 10:57 Spotlight – you can now search for Apps on App store, points of interest from Wikipedia entries. Songs, movies

Seth Weintraub | 10:57 Spotlight on iOS

Seth Weintraub | 10:56 Using quick functionalities in Mail.  Will be slightly harder to not use it now.

Seth Weintraub | 10:54

Seth Weintraub | 10:54 Flicking away Phil Schiller’s Notifications.

Seth Weintraub | 10:53 Mobile safari gets a sidebar (assuming in iPad version only? 

Seth Weintraub | 10:52 you can now reply to notifications with a pull down.

Seth Weintraub | 10:52

Seth Weintraub | 10:51 pull down notifications

Seth Weintraub | 10:51 Craig’s back to talk about iOS 8….

Seth Weintraub | 10:50 iOS 8 and Dev.

Seth Weintraub | 10:48

Seth Weintraub | 10:48 89% of install base was running the latest OS.

Seth Weintraub | 10:48 …for iOS 7.

Seth Weintraub | 10:48 97% Satisfaction rating from Changewave

Seth Weintraub | 10:47 nearly half of China customers switched from Android to Apple. (China Mobile might have helped a bit here)

Seth Weintraub | 10:47 Android …jokes!

Seth Weintraub | 10:47

Seth Weintraub | 10:46 some math…800M! iOS devices

Seth Weintraub | 10:46 iPod Touch 100M

iPad 200M

iPhone 500M

Seth Weintraub | 10:46 Tim Cook. iOS time

Seth Weintraub | 10:45 Summer Free Public Beta program

Seth Weintraub | 10:45 Recap….and available today. Everyone else will get it  in the Fall….free

Seth Weintraub | 10:44

Seth Weintraub | 10:44 That wasn’t uncomfortable

Seth Weintraub | 10:43

Seth Weintraub | 10:42 Calling Dre

Seth Weintraub | 10:42 Demoing Phone calls. I think a big deal

Seth Weintraub | 10:40

Seth Weintraub | 10:40 Phone calls on Mac via iPhone. This is a big deal if you use a Mac

Seth Weintraub | 10:39 Messages will relay SMSes to/from Mac

Seth Weintraub | 10:38 Instant Hotspot….ooohhh

Seth Weintraub | 10:37 Swipe up on your iPad and work goes to your Mac

Seth Weintraub | 10:37 New “Handoff”

Seth Weintraub | 10:36 Applause…..

Seth Weintraub | 10:36 Airdrop works between iOS and the Mac

Seth Weintraub | 10:36 Transitions should be natural/seamless

Seth Weintraub | 10:36 “Continuity” – using the right device for the moment.

Seth Weintraub | 10:35 can draw cartoon bubbles

Seth Weintraub | 10:34

Seth Weintraub | 10:34 Demoing Recent Recipients. Wonder how configurable this is. Can I have 10? 20?

Also showing some editing in mail

Seth Weintraub | 10:33 Brian Croll demoing tabs

Seth Weintraub | 10:31 Safari has some new video 5 Premium Video standard (sounds like HTML5) that allows longer streaming on batteries

Seth Weintraub | 10:30 Safari Standards.  HTML Premium Video

Seth Weintraub | 10:29 Tab Stacks

Seth Weintraub | 10:29 Search now integrated with Spotlight. And sharing

Seth Weintraub | 10:28 Safari: Looks nice!

Seth Weintraub | 10:28 Signatures in Email

Seth Weintraub | 10:27 Mail Drop. Allows big attachments thru cloud rather than having to do manually. Up to 5GB in size. RIP Yousendit

Seth Weintraub | 10:26 Mail in Yosemite

Seth Weintraub | 10:25 iCloud Drive

Seth Weintraub | 10:24 search Wikipedia and news? From Spotlight. Oh, I wonder who Apple will think is News? Surely not Google

Seth Weintraub | 10:22 Spotlight is in the middle of the screen now for better or worse. Can do advanced math

Seth Weintraub | 10:21 Messages gets a big update

Seth Weintraub | 10:20 Giving live demo of Yosemite now.

Seth Weintraub | 10:19 Notification center has new today view

Seth Weintraub | 10:18 NEw Notification center – Today view

Seth Weintraub | 10:18

Seth Weintraub | 10:17 New Dark Mode

Seth Weintraub | 10:17 New Typography. Looks like OS 8 a little bit.

Seth Weintraub | 10:17

Seth Weintraub | 10:16 Lighter, fresher

Seth Weintraub | 10:16 new UI feels more “Airy”

Seth Weintraub | 10:15 more cartoony

Seth Weintraub | 10:14 Video playing

Seth Weintraub | 10:14 “Continuity” is about refining OSX

Seth Weintraub | 10:14 OS X Yosemite

Seth Weintraub | 10:14

Seth Weintraub | 10:12

Seth Weintraub | 10:12 Here Comes Craig Fed

Seth Weintraub | 10:11 Compared to Windows

Seth Weintraub | 10:11 50% of install base is on Mavericks

Seth Weintraub | 10:10 Macs 80 million. While PC industry is shrinking, Macs are growing. 40 Million copies of Mavericks. Most ever.

Seth Weintraub | 10:10 Dev release is so huge (didn’t call it XCODE?)

Seth Weintraub | 10:09 Here to talk about 2 platforms great updates

Seth Weintraub | 10:08 Shoutout to the students. Youngest developer is 13

Seth Weintraub | 10:07 started with 1 lab. Now “lots”

Seth Weintraub | 10:07 “Thanks Devs”  25th aniversary – 25 years old – started in 1990

Seth Weintraub | 10:06 Here’s Tim!

Seth Weintraub | 10:06

Seth Weintraub | 10:03 “I can’t live without Grindr I mean Tinder”

Seth Weintraub | 10:03 we’re watching a commercial here. Hopefully some humans coming shortly…

Seth Weintraub | 10:01 New Commercial starts…

Seth Weintraub | 10:01 Music Stops (Coldplay obv

Seth Weintraub | 9:51

Seth Weintraub | 9:49 Livestream is going

Seth Weintraub | 9:30 Iovine in the house, Dre notsomuch

— Philip Elmer-DeWitt (@philiped) June 02, 2014

Seth Weintraub | 8:51

Seth Weintraub | 8:46

— Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) June 02, 2014

Seth Weintraub | 8:33 Apple Store still up….what does it all mean? Head South to the comments to discuss.

Seth Weintraub | 8:32

Seth Weintraub | 8:29

Seth Weintraub | 8:15 Don’t forget Apple’s official Live stream of the WWDC keynote (in another window obv.). Starts in 1:45

Seth Weintraub | 8:10 The latest news from Moscone:

Apple displaying Ferraris & other cars at WWDC hinting at CarPlay announcements

and New developer APIs for iOS 8 and OS X 10.10 appear in open-source WebKit

Mark Gurman | 8:07 We are just under two hours away from the kickoff WWDC keynote, and here’s the latest news: there are cars situated inside Moscone West. This likely indicates that some significant CarPlay announcements are in-store for today. Also, some OS X 10.10 and iOS 8 APIs for developers are already appearing on some open source WebKit files. 

We’re approximately two hours away from Apple’s major WWDC 2014 keynote address, and we’ll be providing live blogging and analysis of the event as it proceeds. We’re expecting Apple to discuss updates to iOS and OS X 10.10, with the former seeing enhancements across the system and the latter receiving a complete redesign to bring the software in line with the iOS 7 design aesthetic. You can catch our full analysis and live updates from the conference below: