We are about 30 minutes away from Apple CEO Tim Cook’s first major public interview, which takes place at AllThingsD’s D10 Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. If I were a betting man, I would say this talk will focus on Apple after Steve Jobs, current issues at Apple’s manufacturing partners, and the latest Apple products. Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher will sit down with the chief to hammer out the information we all want to here. It should be a doozie.

That’s a wrap! The full archive is below:

More to come, soon! Things should get underway in the next few minutes at roughly 9:30 p.m. EST.

Refresh for updates!

8:50 Inside the venue: (via Hoosier40):

8:59 The full look at the stage (via isharif):

9:02 We still have 30 minutes! Hang tight people!

9:06 The conference started; although, we are still waiting for Cook at 9:30 EST. Here is a look at the vast crowd:

9:18 News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch enjoys the opening.

9:22 We should see the man of the hour any moment. A marching band is on the stage playing a little ditty right now.


9:25 Cook talks about replacing Jobs: “I would have never agreed to follow that act if you had told me.” He then speaks about the iPad’s success by discussing how it has affected many people worldwide, all ages.

Image via All Things D

9:29 Of course, Cook will not say anything about next week. You knew he wouldn’t. But, he does say that some great things are coming.

If only he would just drop the slightest iOS 6 hint.

9:31 Speaking more to the iPad, Cook also references the folks at Microsoft: “We didn’t invent the tablet market, we invented the modern tablet.” He also talks about how the tablet is different from the PC. “If you merge the two the PC isn’t as good as it can be, nor is the tablet.”

9:34 Swisher asks about how Apple is different now with him, Cook, as CEO. He responds: “I learned a lot from Steve…I learned that focus is key.”

We have heard this one before—AllThingsD: Cook said not accepting things good or very good but only the best. “That’s embedded in Apple.”

Cook continues about how much of an impact Jobs made at the core of Apple. As much as Cook is appreciative he says: “I love museums but I don’t want to live in one.” I think that is totally understood by customers that the new CEO is ready to move on and make his own policies.

9:40 Jobs told Cook to not think about what he would have done, but rather to make his own decisions.

Cook says Jobs was alive for Apple’s plans to do even more as a company. I think that goes without saying.

Speaking about Apple’s recent plans to give a dividend to investors this summer, Cook says that he believes Apple made the right choice.

“We’re going to double down on secrecy of products.” Derp…

However, he does say that Apple will be less secretive about “social change” (aka the situation over at Foxconn and other suppliers).

Swisher asks Cook why Apple does not have its own factory in China. Cook: “We think others can do it better.”

9:47 On manufacturing in the United States, Cook says he wants to be there and points out that Apple is already—like the glass factory in Kentucky.

Mossberg asks if Apple will ever be able to say “made in the U.S.” on its products.

Cook: “It may.”

9:53 Swisher asks why should Apple even make a PC. Cook says: “Well I don’t mean the tablet should replace the PC, but I think for some people it overtakes what they do with a PC.” He also points out that it may slow the replacement cycle for new computers. I can totally see this.

Speaking to copycats—he is looking at you Samsung. Cook says: “We just want people to develop their own stuff, and not rip us off.” He is talking about patent spats with companies like HTC, Samsung, and many others.

9:57 In response to patent wars, Cook says: “It’s a pain in the ass.”

He will not talk about his recent attempts to negotiate with Samsung: “I read that in the paper. I can’t talk about it.”

In regards to competition, Cook says: “I think we have the best phone.”

10:02 Mossberg: “Why don’t you have more than one phone?”

Cook: “Our stance is making the best product..best design. We have an overriding belief of making the best.”

10:04 This is really interesting considering the recent leaks. Cook says: “We have one phone with one screen size and one resolution. It’s pretty simple for developers developing for this platform.”

Mossberg presses about the 7-inch iPad.

Cook laughs it off: “You should come to one of our meetings.”

Swisher presses about how Apple plans to change the TV.

Cook: “We’re staying in the Apple TV business. We’re going to keep looking at it.”

Cook reveals 2.7 million Apple TVs sold this year alone, compared to 2.8 million in 2011.

Mossberg keeps pressing about the Apple TV: “If we could talk hypothetically, are you going to make a television?”

Cook says that Apple looks at if it can control the key technology. Jobs spoke about this years ago at D8.

10:14 Mossberg: “You’re not going everything you can do with your current offerings.”

Cook: “I agree.”

10:17 Mossberg asks if Apple will make a content service. Cook: “What question did you have Kara?”

Cook’s a funny guy.

Interesting number: Apple offers “over 100k TV episodes”.

10:19 Mossberg asks about Apple and Facebook’s relationship.

Cook: “Facebook is a great company.” Didn’t he say that already?

Cook says more about Facebook: “I think we can do more. Stay tuned.” …iOS 6 integration?!

10:22 Cook talks more about company acquisitions: “We continue to buy companies. We don’t talk about all of it.“

Cook says Apple never looked at Instagram.

10:25 Mossberg: “Is Siri up to your standards?”

Cook: “Customers love it. But there’s a lot we can do. I think you’ll be pleased with what you will see in the coming months.” This is definitely a WWDC hint. Third-party app integration, we hope.

10:28 Just as she once asked Jobs, Swisher asks: “What do you do all day?”

Cook: “Steve was a visionary..I’m focused on being a great CEO at Apple. I love every minute of it.”

10:33 Swisher asks what Cook’s vision is.

Cook: “I just want to build great products.” As for who Cook looks up to, he says: “Bob Iger (an Apple board member), Martin Luther King, and Bobby Kennedy.”

That wraps up the interview. Now time for audience questions.

10:36 The first question is in regards to student discounts. Cook says they will still apply when purchases are made in bulk—also touting iTunes U and more.

The second question is in regards to Cook’s strengths as a person. Cook: “I’ll let you answer that.” BOOM.

The third question is about if Cook spends as much time on design as Jobs did. Tim says he is more focused on other areas.

Next question: “Back in 1998 did Steve say that Apple wasn’t in great shape. Could you have envisioned this success now?”

Cook: “Five minutes into the conversation I wanted to work for Apple.”

Up next is the recent name change to “the new iPad.”

He says the same thing happened with the iPod.

Cook just revealed that the S in “4S” stands for Siri.

Swisher: “What about the iPhone 5?”

Cook: “Who had the next question?”

Next question is about wearable computing, Windows 8, and pen-computing.

Cook: “I have on a Nike Fuelband.”

Cook: “I like what we’re doing,” in regard to pen-computing. Does not reference the Microsoft question.

10:58 Now a question that is dear to 9to5mac—regarding rumors.

“I think it’s a privilege. I think all of that is great. I love it.”

We will remember that, Tim.

11:00 A Google employee asks about iAd.

“It’s not nearly what it is to you as it is to us. We’re in different stratospheres.”

11:02 The Apple Store is down.

In regards to killing Ping, Cook says he will look at it. He is not so sure.

And that’s it folks! As always, thanks for joining us. We will be learning much more about Apple’s plans over the next few weeks as WWDC approaches. So, stay tuned!