We’re here at Box’s BoxWorks conference in San Francisco where Tim Cook is set to open the event with a fireside chat speaking with CEO Aaron Levie. The event is set to kick off shortly at Moscone Center with enterprise an obvious focus of the conversation. Aside from IBM and Cisco partnerships, Apple recently unveiled the 12.9-inch iPad Pro — coming in November — with optional Apple Pencil stylus and Smart Keyboard case, a new product that will certainly set its targets on enterprise customers. Cook’s talk today also marks the first since Apple announced its record 13 million iPhone sales during launch weekend of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. Check out the details below:

Tim Cook is set to kick off the conference with Box CEO Aaron Levie at 9 am PT/ 12 pm ET.

Aaron Levie taking the stage to talk “the future of where Apple is going with the enterprise” with Cook

Cook walks out to “We Are The Champions” with backdrop of iPhone sales numbers (13 million) on stage

There’s an iPad on stage with a fireplace app running…

[tweet https://twitter.com/boxworks/status/648892828139958272 align=’center’]

Levie joking about Cook’s recent White House visit, asks if he didn’t get invited to see the Pope (there’s a very friendly tone to this)

Cook says Apple is about empowering people to change the world

Says for a while Apple has focused on consumer to do that, now consumers don’t buy enterprise phones, they buy iPhone

Cook: If you buy an enterprise car, you don’t buy a Box Car, you just buy a car (Cook can’t speak without teasing the Apple Car)

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Cook: People don’t want to carry two phones (Path joke?)

Levie: Anyone still on Blackberry? A few hands go up and Cook says he’ll talk to them after the discussion

Cook says the things that make Apple products great for consumers make them great for enterprise as well: security is key

Sites lack of fragmentation on iOS, quick adoption rate for latest versions, but Apple doesn’t have enterprise expertise so it partners with IBM, Cisco

[tweet https://twitter.com/boxworks/status/648894170086555648 align=’center’]

Cook: People aren’t going to gain more productivity by working more hours, we’re already working flat-out

Says it’s technology that lets enterprise be more productive, that consumers have outpaced technology faster than enterprise, but enterprise can catch up

Cook comparing technology change in enterprise to Apple rethinking the retail experience: no single checkout queue, rethink sales process

Cook: The best companies will be the most mobile

Levie: GE, Coke chose Box because of Apple and mobility

Levie: Box will be introducing iOS-exclusive app

Cook: iOS adoption well over 50% after only a week

Levie asks how big enterprise is for Apple revenue-wise, Cook says “this is not a hobby” and says it’s difficult to measure BYOD (bring your own device) effect, says it’s a very small amount compared to what the opportunity is though

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Cook: Today if you write an iOS app you need a Mac, but I think you need a Mac anyway, iOS has pulled Mac in, we don’t believe having one OS for both PC and mobile, it subtracts from both (audience applause for that line), we’re very much focused on two but we’re all moving from device to device all day long

Cook: Microsoft and Apple can partner on more things than they compete, customers want Office to work better on the Mac than it does on Windows “I’m not a believer in holding grudges, life is short”

Cook says Apple TV “toward the end of next month” so think late October versus first half

Levie: Apple working on any other products like an airplane or anything?

Cook: We don’t have an iPlane but maybe one needs to exist, but that’s not something that we’re thinking about.

Levie: iPhone Upgrade Program is like a subscription to an iPhone, has Apple thought about doing this for every product?

Cook: Customers said it’s too hard to buy, I want a new iPhone every year, take care of the other stuff for me, Angela and her team came up with the program, it’s off to an incredible start, no numbers to share yet

Levie: Who’s tougher to negotiate with? Taylor Swift or Carl Icahn?

Cook: Did you have another question? (lots of laughter)

Levie: You’re outspoken on a lot of social issues. How do you think about businesses, technology, ability to impact and what’s your role?

Cook: Business has an important responsibility to society. That responsibility has grown markedly as government has found it more difficult to move forward. Apple is focused on equality and equality is free. Our customers care about it. We’re going to continue to evangelize. Public education is very key. Too many kids going to public schools that aren’t good enough. (Apple supports ConnectED initiative)

Cook: Climate change is real. We should stop talking about it and do something about it.

Cook: Apple at almost 90% at renewable energy operation outside the US. Supply chain is next focus. Anyone can do this.

Levie: You don’t mind if Samsung does this too?

Cook: I hope they do!

Levie: What does Dr. Dre think about Apple’s enterprise strategy?

Cook: We haven’t talked about enterprise strategy but he’s an incredible artist. Having Beats has re-energized our music team. There’s a lot of joy coming out of Apple Music and Beats 1.

Levie: Any enterprise stations?

Cook: I think it’s an interesting idea. It might be a blend of music and talk.

That’s a wrap! Another car reference, an iOS exclusive Box app coming later today, Apple TV coming in late October, and lots of enterprise talk.

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