Recently, the world got some big news: a new Lizzie McGuire series will be coming to Disney+! The original version of this Disney Channel television series starred Hilary Duff and aired from 2001 to 2004. The show featured Lizzie plus an animated version of the character, which gave viewers more insight into what Lizzie was thinking as she dealt with her parents, her little brother, junior high, her crush, changes, her frenemy, and other relatable issues. 

Now that we know this show will be back, we can’t help but wonder what familiar faces will be seen. Here are seven characters we hope return and four that we could honestly live without seeing. 

Hope To See: Lizzie McGuire (x 2)

Of course, Hilary Duff has already announced that she will be reprising her role, but will the animated version of her live on, too? This show targeted preteens, so there were some goofy moments, and Lizzie’s character was clumsy and sometimes awkward.

Now, this actress is all grown up, so we wonder how much this will affect the character and her inner self. Disney could keep it silly, and Lizzie could still be tripping when walking and blushing when talking to cute guys… or they could give us an entirely new and improved title character. Either way, we can’t wait to see her again!

Could Live Without: Matt

On the original show, Lizzie had a younger brother named Matt, and we’re going to say it: we could live without him when it comes to this new series. Matt was also scheming and playing pranks in his free time. At school, he barely worked, since he was always trying to make everyone around him laugh.

In his scenes with his sister, he did all he could to annoy her. Deep down, these two did love each other, but since we are #TeamLizzie, it’s okay if Matt is off living abroad or doing comedy shows when this story returns.  

Hope To See: Miranda

Junior high is sometimes only bearable thanks to having good friends, and luckily, Lizzie had Miranda Isabella Sanchez, portrayed by Lalaine. This character was witty and funky and brought so much excitement to her scenes and to Lizzie’s life. Sadly, she was not in the movie version of this series, so fans really need an update on her life.

With high school then college then the real world, Miranda and Lizzie may not even be BFFs anymore, but she has to be there for at least part of the revival.

Hope To See: Gordo

Adam Lamberg played David “Gordo” Gordon, one of Lizzie’s best friends. He was smart and studious, kind and caring, and he loved a good sarcastic comment. Oh, and let’s not forget: in The Lizzie McGuire Movie, Lizzie and Gordo even kissed.

A lot of time has passed, so many fans were probably wondering if these two ended up together. However, Hilary Duff recently stated that Lizzie will be engaged, just not to Gordo. Whoever she’s with, we’re excited to see Gordo’s familiar face again. 

Hope To See: Ethan

Another face we hope to see is Ethan Craft’s. Played by Clayton Snyder, this character was the stud of the school. Everyone had a crush on him, but he was completely clueless. And while he was not the sharpest tool in the shed, he had a happy-go-lucky attitude and treated everyone in a nice way.

For years, Lizzie McGuire fans have wondered where Ethan ended up, what he is doing with his life these days and what his relationship status is. We need answers, and we better get them soon!

Hope To See: Kate

This show would not have been complete without Ashlie Brillault’s character, Kate Sanders. She was the most popular girl around, captain of the cheer squad, and although she used to be friends with Lizzie and Miranda, that changed after she started wearing a bra! At certain times throughout the series, as well as in the film, though, Kate was sort of nice.

Did she secretly still want to be friends with Lizzie? Did they become friends in high school? Did she have to act tough, in order to seem cool? Is she still pretty, perky and popular? Only time will tell (we hope).

Could Live Without: Larry

Another kid at school and on this television series, one that some people may have forgotten about, was Lawrence “Larry” Tudgeman III. He was presented as a huge nerd, he was class president, and he was portrayed by Kyle Downes. He was a little od at times.

He apparently had been wearing the same shirt since fourth grade. He thought quite highly of himself. And while there may have been some funny moments with Larry, we could live without him in this new Disney+ show. 

Hope To See: Jo

We can’t forget about Lizzie’s parents! Her mom, played by Hallie Todd, was Josephine Lynn “Jo” McGuire. Just as Lizzie was figuring out how to navigate being a teen, Jo was trying to figure out how to raise a teenager.

Like all good TV shows, though, this one would end with Lizzie and her mom having a heart-to-heart talk, and we are anxious to see how Lizzie leans on her mother in adulthood. And who knows, Jo could even take Lizzie’s daughter shopping for her first bra, too!

Hope To See: Sam

There was also Samuel “Sam” Lewis McGuire, who was portrayed by Robert Carradine and who was Lizzie’s dad. He was sort of silly, and he never really seemed to know what was going on at home. And while Jo was usually there in her daughter’s moments of need, Sam did have his redeeming scenes, as he helped Lizzie out in a loving way.

Is he still there for her? Is he still with Jo? Does he still wear glasses? There are so many things that this new series could show us, and we are ready for them all!

Could Live Without: Melina

There was a character on Lizzie McGuire named Melina Bianco, and she was one of Matt’s friends. Portrayed by Carly Schroeder, she actually enjoyed getting Matt and his friend Lanny into trouble, but then they all became friends, and she and Matt even became boyfriend and girlfriend!

While some people may have enjoyed watching these younger kids scheme and plot in Matt’s bedroom, Melina is another supporting character that we do not feel like we have to see in this new story and on this new show. 

Could Live Without: Lanny

Last but not least, Lanny Onasis was played by Christian Copelin. He’s another one of Matt’s friends, and he sticks out for one main reason: He never spoke. Some stated that he was just shy, but that was his thing. He never said real words, yet Matt could understand him just fine.

Again, this was all part of side plots on this TV show, and it didn’t add to the main excitement; when this new story begins, we want to know about Lizzie and her friends and her love life… not this kid who never said a word.