When The Haunting Of Hill House started streaming on Netflix in October 2018, it quickly became a favorite for people who love horror. Even those who don’t typically enjoy that genre of film or TV were interested in checking out. 2020 has blessed TV lovers with Locke & Key, another Netflix series that has some familiar elements.

Both Netflix series tell the story of a family living in a haunted house, so it makes sense to compare the two and see which scary show will come out on top. Read on to find out five ways that Locke & Key is better than Hill House and five ways that it’s not.

Better: The Magical Keys Bond The Family, Which Is Powerful

When the Locke family moves into the house where their father used to live, they’re not exactly expecting to find some magical keys… or probably anything magical at all. The fact that the Locke siblings bond over finding these keys is really powerful.

It allows them to grieve the death of their father while connecting them to one another. And even though there are some freaky moments along the way, it helps them become more confident, make new friends in their new town, and look to the future that they want.

Not: Hill House Is Much More Terrifying

When comparing Keyhouse and the Crain house, it’s definitely clear that the Crain home is much more terrifying.

Calling it a haunted house doesn’t even seem to do it justice. It’s the kind of place where no one would feel comfortable sleeping, and the kids are always seeing supernatural creatures or ghosts when they’re simply trying to get some shut-eye. The house also has a pull on each family member where they think that they have to go back and see it again. Keyhouse is more magical than super spooky.

Better: The Lighter Tone Is A Welcome Relief

One thing that Locke & Key does better than Hill House is having a lighter tone. Sure, Dodge is scary and the Locke kids know that something is up with the place where they live, but there are a lot of funny scenes along the way.

The first key that Bode finds is the anywhere key, and what does he do? He uses it to get himself some ice cream, which is sweet (no pun intended). And even when Kinsey buries her fear and then it turns into an actual monster who tries to attack the most popular girl at school, that’s still a clever, hilarious moment. The Haunting Of Hill House is wonderful but it can be dark and disturbing.

Not: Bode Is Cute, But No Match For Nell And Her Character Development

Bode (Jackson Robert Scott) has become a beloved character on Locke & Key. He’s adorable, super brave, and wants to help his family. But no matter how great he is, he’s definitely no match for Nell (Victoria Pedretti).

The revelation that Nell is actually The Bent-Neck Lady is absolutely incredible. It’s one of those moments that TV fans want to pause and watch ten times more. The entire episode where this is revealed, episode five of season one titled, of course, “The Bent-Neck Lady,” is arguably the most well-crafted of the series so far. Bode is cute but Nell’s character development is much stronger since viewers learn about the death of her husband, Arthur, and how much she has struggled mentally since then.

Better: Dodge Is More Mysterious Than The Bent-Neck Lady

If Dodge and The Bent-Neck Lady went up against each other, it feels like Dodge would win. Dodge is way more mysterious, and for that reason, Locke & Key feels like a better show.

The Bent-Neck Lady is a tragic figure who has made certain that Nell will never be happy or have a regular life. It’s a complex, layered story, and it makes it feel like Nell and her siblings are fated to never move on from this horrible house. But Dodge is a mind-boggling character on Locke & Key. When viewers think that they understand her, they’re confused once again, as it’s revealed that Dodge is Lucas, and with the identity key, Dodge can assume anyone’s identity that they wish. There’s even an incredible twist about Dodge in the season one finale.

Not: The Parents On Hill House Are More Well-Drawn

While Rendell (Bill Heck) isn’t the most boring character, he’s not the most interesting, either, which seems like a misstep since his memory is what compels the Locke family to move into Keyhouse.

Hill House feels like a better show because the parents are more well-drawn. The Crain siblings don’t get along with their dad, Hugh (Timothy Hutton and Henry Thomas), and they miss their mother, Olivia (Carla Gugino). Olivia is an intriguing character who seems to know that something awful is happening in the house, and her death is disturbing. On Locke & Key, Nina (Darby Stanchfield) is a fairly wishy-washy character. She loves her kids, but she doesn’t do very much on the show, and her alcoholism storyline feels like it has been done many times.

Better: There Are Characters Other Than The Main Family Who Are Cool, Like Ellie And Rufus

Ellie (Sherri Saum) and her son Rufus (Coby Bird) are two great characters in season one of Locke & Key. This show is better than Hill House because there are characters other than the main family who are cool and worth watching.

Ellie has a lot of mystery surrounding her and then a wild ending to her story in the season one finale, and it’s moving to watch Bode bond with Rufus.

Not: Hill House Is More Mature

When comparing the two shows, it definitely seems like Hill House is more mature than Locke & Key. It’s not a family-friendly show at all, and it delves into addiction and mental health and the other things that the Crain kids have had to deal with as they got older.

It also feels like a much sadder and more poignant drama since by the end of the first season, it’s clear that the family has a lot of growing up to do. The siblings are able to be friendlier now, but they have to do a lot of inner work to get over what happened to them.

Better: There Could Definitely Be A Season Two Continuing The Story

The season one cliffhanger of Locke & Key is pretty crazy. Fans learned that the kids thought that they threw Dodge through the door in the cave, but it was actually Ellie. And in a wild twist, it was revealed that Kinsey’s crush Gabe is actually Dodge.

While there will be a second season of Hill House, it will focus on the Henry James novel The Turning Of The Screw instead of picking up where the show left off. While that will be awesome, it’s great that Locke & Key could have a second season that continues the same story. Fans are likely interested in seeing what happens to the characters now that they love them.

Not: Hill House Is Shot Better With Some Creative Choices

Ultimately, The Haunting Of Hill House is a better show because the shooting style is of a much higher quality. Also, some more creative choices were made.

One example is the first season episode “Two Storms” which feels like it was filmed in just one take/shot. Most of it is set in the funeral home that Shirley owns, and while there were a few cuts, it’s a really impressive episode.