Fox has sold Hugh Jackman’s final appearance as Wolverine as a character driven piece that will defy the common tropes of blockbuster films and superhero movies. Logan will focus more on what makes him Logan, not Wolverine, and exists in a future where there are not many of his fellow mutants left. The trailers have avoided to show any insane CGI mega-battle, references to a larger universe, or any other common practices that can be found in similar movies.

While it initially looked as though Logan would allow itself to follow in the footsteps of films before and include a post-credits scene at the end, that no longer appears to be the case. However, this could mean that something else will be shown prior to the film actually beginning.

Director James Mangold has shot down reports that his second Wolverine solo movie would feature a post-credits scene by simply saying, “There is not a post credits scene.” Additionally, Collider, the original source of the rumor, has since updated their original story. In doing so, they say their info may not be entirely false and instead “something cool for fans” could be shown just before Logan actually begins.

This decision is ultimately not as surprising as it may seem on the surface. Yes, most comic book movies have post-credits scenes attached and it is not like Fox is wary to include one, but Logan is no regular comic book movie by mosts standards. Without knowing how exactly the film will end or where it leaves these characters and the X-Men universe, it is impossible to say whether or not a post-credits scene would have felt like the right decision.

Now, any chances of Ryan Reynolds making an appearance after the movie has finished to promote Deadpool 2 or the opportunity to introduce Cable or set up a X-23 spinoff are no more. This was a smart move by Mangold to get out ahead of these reports and dismiss them now, rather than letting fans get their hopes up only to be disappointed when the credits finished scrolling and there was nothing else to show.

While some may be disappointed that a post-credits scene won’t be attached, Fox may make history by attaching some sort of tease or greeting to the beginning of the movie. What exactly this could be is up for speculation with an appearance from Deadpool again being a strong possibility. The one scenario that would only further make the conclusion of this character more emotional for longtime fans would be a special message from Jackman himself before the movie starts simply saying thanks for going along on this journey since 2000. Plus, if he did it in the iconic yellow outfit? Fans would already be on board and ready to see the final chapter in Wolverine’s story. Regardless of what exactly is shown before, be sure to be seated well before Logan starts to make sure you don’t miss it.

Next: Logan Director on Inflated Superhero Movie Rosters

Source: James Mangold, Collider

  • Wolverine 3 Release Date: 2017-03-03 Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18