X-Men may not have been the first superhero film, but it can definitely be thought of as the starting point for today’s superhero-saturated box office. Likewise, the film’s starring role of Logan, a.k.a. The Wolverine wasn’t Hugh Jackman’s first film appearance, but it was definitely the one that rocketed his career as a movie star. Logan, which releases this March, will signal Jackman’s ninth time in the role that made him famous. Over the years, he has supposed on multiple occasions that his run as Wolverine had come to a close, but there may be some truth to it this time.

James Mangold, who directed the previous Wolverine film, is returning for what seems like a very different chapter. In addition to an expected (though not yet confirmed) R-rating, the film follows the character to a much later, and darker period in his life.

In a recent interview with Fandango, Mangold was asked whether Logan would be the definitive conclusion to the title hero’s story:

Logan takes place in the year 2029 and his healing factor is starting to fail. His only remaining mutant backup seems to be the unstable Charles Xavier as he fights an organization called Transigen to protect a young mutant with similar powers to his own. Fans have wondered if, seemingly in such a fragile state, this will be the film where The Wolverine finally bites the dust. An ending with the character’s death would certainly put a bow on his story, (while not necessarily preventing Fox from telling more Wolverine stories in reboots or alternate timelines). Laura Linney (X-23) is even present to accept the mantle of Wolverine (like she has in the comics).

“There’s always a way to tell more stories, but the fact is we worked very hard to craft a tale that makes you feel like this is the end and that we’ve said what needs to be said.”

That said, Mangold says that he doesn’t consider Logan a “passing the torch” film. Instead, he says it’s a film whose themes focus on “cross-generational relationships,” with Xavier acting like an aged father to Logan, and Logan acting as a reluctant father to Laura. He likens the latter’s’ relationship to the 1973 dramedy, Paper Moon, which will likely instill great confidence for those familiar with the underappreciated classic. Whether or not Logan’s spirit rides off into the sunset this time, it’s good to hear that the focus will remain on exploring what makes his character great.

Stay tuned to Screen Rant for updates and impressions on Logan as they hit.

Source: Fandango

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