To say that the anticipation surrounding 20th Century Fox’s Logan has reached some unbelievably high levels would be an understatement. After offering fans their first taste of the film back in October with an incredible, somber teaser trailer, the studio and filmmakers involved in the project have been steadily ratcheting up the hype for it ever since. For a film that’s been billed as Hugh Jackman’s last movie as Wolverine, that was to be expected, but it’s also fair to say that no one could have predicted just how blatantly excited both fans and critics are about Logan.

In case the film’s pitch-perfect trailers and promotional images weren’t already enough to sell someone on it, though, Logan has also been receiving almost universally positive reviews from fans and critics lucky enough to see the film early. Many have even gone on to call it the best X-Men film to date, which means that Fox’s risky decision to go headfirst into a rated-R, bleak Wolverine film may have paid off big time for the studio.

The movie is set to hit theaters stateside this Thursday night and heading into that release, Logan has managed to accrue the kind of interest that just isn’t buyable from the general public. And in a world where reviews and critic scores for superhero movies can sometimes lead to online petitions, conspiracy theories, and even calls for websites to be shut down, it’s especially exciting to see Rotten Tomatoes officially announce Logan as being certified fresh, with a 95 percent positive rating.

#Logan has been #CertifiedFresh at 95% —> @WolverineMovie @RealHughJackman— Rotten Tomatoes (@RottenTomatoes) February 27, 2017

Aside from the fact that this just continues to promote Logan as being the Wolverine film that fans have been waiting for, it’s worth putting this particular score into perspective. If the 95 percent manages to hold in the coming weeks, then that will mean Logan is the highest-rated X-Men film in history, above all of Jackman’s previous efforts as the character, including X-Men (81 percent), X-2: X-Men United (86 percent), X-Men: The Last Stand (58 percent), X-Men Origins: Wolverine (38 percent), X-Men: First Class (86 percent), X-Men: Days of Future Past (91 percent), and last year’s X-Men: Apocalypse (48 percent). This rating also trounces The Wolverine’s 69 percent, and is even higher than Deadpool’s 84 percent.

Now, obviously, a Rotten Tomatoes score is not the deciding factor on whether a film is good, especially when it comes to comic book adaptations. But still, this is some seriously positive praise for Logan to receive heading into its opening weekend. For Hugh Jackman too, who’s stuck with this character for over 17 years, this will likely come as some nice vindication for his dedication to the role. He’s stressed heavily that Logan is going to be his last time appearing on screen as the character, and if so, then it looks like his last ride as Wolverine could not have gone any better.

Next: Logan & X-Men: Apocalypse Connection Confirmed

Source: Rotten Tomatoes

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