After delivering an awards-worthy marketing campaign for last year’s Deadpool, Twentieth Century Fox has earned raves for the way they’ve handled advertising for Logan, Hugh Jackman’s alleged swan song as fan-favorite mutant Wolverine. A majority of the promotional materials have consisted of cryptic images that tease a gritty character study modeled after Westerns. Viewers got a better taste of the film’s tone and style back in October 2016 when the first trailer was released online. Set to Johnny Cash’s haunting cover of the Nine Inch Nails song “Hurt,” it painted a very different kind of comic book movie and fans have been eager for more ever since.

The long-awaited second Logan trailer was classified in December, but Fox has yet to unveil it. The studio plans to release the preview later this month, and to build up anticipation, they launched the official website 1974 Frames of Logan. As part of a giveaway, the first 1,974 people to register on the site would receive a postcard containing a still frame from the second trailer. It should come as no surprise that two key members of the creative team - director James Mangold and star Jackman - got in on the fun, and now they’ve shared some glimpses of the new preview.

Both took to their Twitter accounts to post photos of their respective postcards. Mangold’s is a landscape shot that’s very reminiscent of the Old West, while Jackman has a picture of Wolverine with X-23 in a car. You can check them out below:

Viewers may notice that Mangold and Jackman have the first and last frames of the trailer, which was probably done intentionally as part of Fox’s promotional strategy. Nothing really new can be gleaned from these images, so whatever is in the remaining 1,972 frames is a surprise to be saved for the preview’s debut. As for when that’ll be remains a mystery; rumors have suggested the week of January 16 (this coming Monday, as of this writing), which is when the embargo on Fox’s film showcase from December lifts. A number of the studio’s major projects (including Logan) were featured at the event, so the timing certainly makes sense. As people read more about Fox’s 2017 slate, they can see new footage from Logan.

Well I got my postcard. I feel special! Frame 1 of 1974! #OneLastTime— Mangold (@mang0ld) January 12, 2017

Frame 1974 of 1974 LOGAN #OneLastTime #Postcard @WolverineMovie @20thcenturyfox— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) January 12, 2017

It will be interesting to see how many story details are revealed in the second preview. The teaser was noteworthy for setting the tone and atmosphere, presenting only the bare bones of the setup. Since there are less than two months now until Logan premieres, it would be a shame if this new trailer presented some spoilers, especially after the marketing department has done an admirable job keeping the narrative’s twists and turns under lock and key. It’s reasonable to assume that fans will see a broader scope of the plot, but there will still be a fair number of secrets. Logan is a movie that pretty much sells itself with the #OneLastTime hashtag, so there’s no need to reveal too much now.

Source: James Mangold, Hugh Jackman

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