It’s well-known at this point that Logan is set to be Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart’s final film as Wolverine and Professor X, respectively. Taking place several years in the future in 2029, the film brings an end to Jackman and Stewart’s 17-year long onscreen journey as the characters, catching up with both when they’re older than they’ve ever been before, and slowly dying together. One of the biggest questions fans have regarding the film, with two of its most important figures officially saying goodbye, is what the X-Men cinematic universe may or may do to compensate for the loss of both actors. This is where Dafne Keen’s feisty Laura Kinney, aka X-23, comes into play.

In the comics, it was actually X-23 who took over for Logan after he died, with the female clone going on to carry the Wolverine mantle herself in the comics. So the second that X-23 was confirmed to be appearing in the film, many fans assumed that Fox’s plan was to introduce Laura in Logan, before then going on to have her replace Jackman as the Wolverine figure in the X-Men universe moving forward.

There have been no comments from Fox regarding that possibility as of yet, of course. But judging by the early reviews and praise being thrown towards Logan, and specifically Keen’s performance as X-23, it would certainly make sense if Fox decided to further develop the character in future films. In the latest TV spot released today for Logan, fans have finally gotten their first look at one of X-23’s defining futures, when Laura finally deploys her signature foot claws. Check it out for yourself in the space above.

There’s still a few days left until Logan hits theaters stateside, and already, Dafne Keen’s X-23 is emerging as a fan-favorite character. It’s not hard to see why either, considering the chemistry she looks to have with both Jackman and Stewart in the film, and not to mention how skilled and deadly she seems to be with using those adamantium claws against Donald Pierce (Boyd Holbrook) and his Reavers. It’s almost hard to believe she has yet to say a single word or line in any of the trailers or TV spots released from the film so far, because of how much of an impact she’s made in the community already.

The use of the foot claws in this TV spot only appears to provide further evidence towards how well writer and director James Mangold looks to have brought the comic book character to life here as well. Instead of three claws on each hand, Laura has two on her hands, and then one from each of her feet, and she’ll likely use all six of those claws to her advantage in the film itself. So whether or not X-23 is the strong, fierce character that fans wanted her to be isn’t really the question anymore, but rather, when and if the fans will ever get to see her again after Logan. At this point, only time will tell.

Next: Logan: Ian McKellen Jokes About Why Magneto Doesn’t Appear

Source: 20th Century Fox

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