Whether viewers are believers or skeptics, Long Island Medium provides heartwarming and heartbreaking moments that hit home. Whether it is touching tributes to lost loved ones or those hoping to connect out of guilt, by the end of Theresa’s reading, they usually get the answers they are hoping for.

This validation allows them to move forward in their lives. Theresa Caputo’s easy-going demeanor keeps fans and clients entertained and at ease throughout the reading, making the experience surreal for everyone involved. So, what are the 10 most touching readings ever done on Long Island Medium? Let’s find out.

Long Island Medium: Dancing In Heaven

It is always heartbreaking watching Theresa conduct readings for parents who have dealt with the loss of a child. Especially, when the loss is unexpected. Parents of a 15-year-old suicide victim, seek answers for their daughter’s abrupt suicide. A kind-hearted girl in life, who always loved to dance, took her own life, due to side effects from taking epilepsy medication. During the reading, her parents are given validation that their daughter is at peace and dancing in Heaven with her loved ones, allowing the parents the closure they need to keep moving forward.

Long Island Medium: Angel Feathers

On a very special Christmas edition of Long Island Medium, Theresa reads for a grieving wife, who lost her husband, Tom without warning. She speaks to Theresa about her grief and as she does, Theresa suddenly brings up that the spirit is showing her feathers, causing the woman to tear up. The woman explains she has been finding feathers on her pillow and something in her heart tells her, they are from her late husband. Theresa confirms the woman’s suspicions, validating that this was Tom’s way of letting her know, he would always be watching over her.

Long Island Medium: Messages On The Grave

On a very emotional Long Island Medium, a mother brings her young daughter with her to the reading, as the daughter wants to know if her father who has passed, is fine in Heaven. Theresa channels the spirit of her father, who brings up notes his daughter leaves for him on his grave.

The daughter confirms that she does leave messages for him and is elated that her father receives them. Theresa, then turns to the mother, telling the mother that the last words he heard were of her telling him to be free.

Long Island Medium: A Soul Reborn

During a group reading with a grandmother and her adult children, Theresa channels the grandmother’s mother’s soul, letting her know that even as a Catholic it was fine for her to do a reading with a medium. Theresa then validates a feeling that the grandmother has, that her deceased infant daughter, who passed away from a seizure, while being held by the child’s father, now resides in her other daughter’s daughter. The family is comforted knowing that their loved one has been reborn, giving her a second chance at life.

Long Island Medium: Not Alone

When a grieving couple visits Theresa in the hope that she can channel their deceased son, they get everything they wanted and more from the reading. Theresa channels the boy, who tells his mother, who is worried that he is alone on the other side, that he is happy and not alone, as he is with other deceased family members. This revelation brings relief to both parents as they now know not to worry. Theresa then validates that she is speaking with their son by talking about his long, blonde hair, something that brings a smile to the parents’ faces.

Long Island Medium: A Sister’s Love

On a celebrity edition of Long Island Medium, Theresa meets with Kelsey Grammer and his wife. Theresa first channels Kelsey’s mother, who brings up the very first Broadway show Kelsey ever saw.

She speaks about how obsessed he was about seeing it. Theresa then channels his sister who died young, telling him that his sister looked up to him, wanting to do everything he did. She then tells him that God made them inseparable as children because his sister was not long for this world.

Long Island Medium: Made In His Image

Theresa meets a teenage girl who believes in Theresa’s gift but is skeptical of other mediums. Theresa proves she is the real deal by channeling the girl’s deceased brother, who the girl has spent her life trying to emulate. While communicating with the spirit of the girl’s brother, Theresa brings up an easy bake oven, causing the girl to fall apart. The girl explains that even though her brother was many years older than her, he still would play with her easy bake oven. It was a memory she had never shared with anyone before.

Long Island Medium: The Child Medium

Parents of a little girl seek out Theresa’s help, as their daughter is suffering from seeing spirits. The girl tells Theresa that she speaks to her dead grandparents at her school’s playground, with them telling her they will always be there for her. The mood during the reading becomes darker when the parents explain that their daughter has trouble sleeping because of spirits waking her up at night. Knowing what the girl is experiencing, Theresa enters the girl’s bedroom and gives her pointers on how to control the spirits and her gift.

Long Island Medium: A Fallen Hero

Theresa does a group reading with a mother, who has brought along her grown daughter to meet with Theresa. They are wanting to channel the girl’s father who was a police officer who died in the North Tower of the World Trade Center during 9-11. During that fateful day, the girl’s father saved three people, including a pregnant woman who has kept in touch with them and always refers to him as an angel. They channel the girl’s father who tells them he died doing what he loved and has no regret.

Long Island Medium: Channeling Rodney Dangerfield

In another celebrity edition of Long Island Medium, Theresa meets with Louie Anderson, who attempts to channel his father and Rodney Dangerfield. Theresa mentions a stack of love letters his deceased father had written to his mother while they were dating, confirming that she had channeled his father. Theresa then asks Louie if he is carrying a tie that has some meaning to him, he replies that it is the tie of Rodney Dangerfield given to him by his widow. She performs the reading confirming to not worry about his friend, as he is in a better place.