Sadly, it now seems chances of Apple showing us the next step in its Apple TV vision in the coming weeks are slipping, with “very reliable sources” telling Jim Dalrymple’s beard that there’s nothing to look forward to in that department at Apple’s September 9th ‘Rock ‘n’ roll’ event next week.

It’s a shame. From Loop Insight: “The Loop has learned through very reliable sources that an updated Apple TV will definitely not be introduced at next week’s event in San Francisco.” Expectation of an Apple TV upgrade got a shot in the arm from Piper Jaffrey analyst, Gene Munster, who on Tuesday voiced speculation the device would see an upgrade at next week’s event. Given that the ship time for 40GB model Apple TV’s has slipped to two weeks, and other recent claims that new SKU’s of the system are expected, we’ve been hoping Apple will get its act together to put a little love inside the box. Seems this isn’t going to happen. Despite this, we do believe that a little iPod gaming action is all it will take to transform this little hobby into a games console offering a surfeit of enjoyable titles to existing owners. We also think a little web browsing would do no harm at all to this front room Apple invasion. Letting this system wither on the vine would make little sense, unless Apple’s reached some kind of secret deal to cede the living room to other firms as part of some long-reaching strategic shift. Wait and see…