J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings series are classic high fantasy works that are celebrated by fans around the world. The books have inspired generations of readers with their incredible fantasy characters, terrifying monsters, and themes of perseverance, loyalty, and friendship. The series has become ingrained into modern culture.

  • Lord of the Rings returns in 2022 with the new Prime Video series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The series takes place thousands of years before events from The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings books. This means there will be plenty of new characters joining some familiar faces during the Second Age of Middle-earth, where kingdoms rose to glory and fell to ruin and one of the greatest villains in Tolkien’s stories threatened the entire world. Some powerful characters return for this, specifically Galadriel, Elrond, and High King Gil-galad, but it will remain to be seen if anyone can eclipse the most powerful Lords of the Rings characters that appeared later in the story’s history.

The films have also highlighted some of the most powerful beings in the history of literature, bringing to life both wildly inspiring wizards and elves as well as living nightmares. Audiences have also witnessed a series of weaker beings who either succumbed to those in power by choice, by force or even by accident. While Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee with their enormous hearts and heroic journey aren’t among the most powerful, they should still be acknowledged for their courage and sacrifice in the quest to save Middle Earth. From there, it is easy to see who was the most powerful Lords of the Rings characters and who proved to be the weakest among elves, dwarves, men, and more.

The Most Powerful Beings In The Lord Of The Rings


Long before there was Pennywise, Aragog, and Madam Octa, there was Shelob. She’s a giant spider who enjoys Orcs, Hobbits, and anyone else who ventures near for dinner. Shelob’s power is especially impressive because she is serving no one but her own hungry self.

Shelob’s supposed to be the malevolent offspring of Ungoliant, an evil spirit in the form of a spider, but how evil is a being only trying to survive in her own lair? She’s not exactly bothering anybody, and she’s not even on Sauron’s side. Shelob could still be alive, trapping things and eating them, long after Sam scared her away with the star-glass given to him by Galadriel.


Cool and calculating, the Lord of Rivendell was no slouch during the War of the Last Alliance, but his lack of real involvement in Frodo’s quest during the Third Age gave viewers pause. Is he truly as powerful as he once seemed? Yes, the Half-Elven father of Arwen Undomiel is not only a member of the White Council but a gifted healer and the savior of Middle-earth.

He reforged Narsil in order to give Aragorn the zombie army he needed to defeat Sauron. Even so, Elrond almost passed on that opportunity, having thrown up his hands against the evil of men after all he had witnessed throughout his long life, including Isildur’s betrayal. Luckily, his daughter’s love for Aragorn prompted him to follow through with his power to save everyone.


Smaug is fire and destruction. Most powerful beings don’t have to tell anyone how important they are, as actions speak louder than words, even for dragons. However, Smaug likes to brag. Smaug is so powerful that the makers of The Hobbit had to cast one of the most powerful voices of our time, Benedict Cumberbatch, in order to do him justice.

The Desolation of Smaug gets its title from just that: Smaug’s power to destroy. Smaug’s greed almost sorts him into the weak list given that it truly controls him, but the fearsome dragon actually uses his jewels as armor. Combined with his sheer ferocity and strength, it just doesn’t get much more powerful than that.

The Balrog

The ability to take on Gandalf the Grey alone makes any creature fairly powerful. The Balrog, formerly a primordial spirit known as Maiar who was seduced by the power of Morgoth, has what it takes to take down one of the most powerful beings in Middle Earth. He’s a monster on fire, one of the most powerful Lords of the Rings characters.

After delivering one of the most visually stimulating scenes in Fellowship of the Ring, the Balrog knocked Gandalf over the Bridge of Khazad-dum and deep into its recesses onto the peak of Zirakzigil. Neither survived the exhausting battle, but unfortunately for Durin’s Bane, he wasn’t a wizard nor did he possess the favor of the Valar.

Gandalf The Grey

He’s good for much more than fun and fireworks. Gandalf the Grey is the person anyone wanted as their wizard buddy. Handy in a fight, Gandalf is knowledgeable about everything, and as protective as a parent. He is the first source of hope the heroes had in winning against Sauron, which is why losing him was so painful.

Part of what makes Gandalf the Grey one of the most powerful Lords of the Rings characters is that he has no need to demonstrate his prowess unless the situation calls for it. He befriends hobbits — something that other powerful beings might scoff at — and between his counsel and contemplation, he never acts violently unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Saruman The White

Saruman the White is much more powerful than Gandalf the Grey, and as the head of his Order, he holds more political power in his hand, too. Saruman is a complex wizard who could be considered one of the weakest characters since he gave up serving the side of good, and as Aragorn said, ceased to be “as great as his fame made him.”

His own greed and desire for power led him toward serving Sauron in the end, which proved unfortunate for the former Head of the White Council. The fact that Saruman defeated Gandalf, starred in one of the best Istar battles of all time, and nearly helped destroy mankind proves his place as one of the most powerful Lords of the Rings characters.

Gandalf The White

After losing Gandalf the Grey to the Balrog in Fellowship of the Ring, all hope seemed to be lost. Many newcomers to the series had no idea that Gandalf the White was waiting in the wings. Although he proved to be a bit less jovial than his previous incarnation, he was the Wizard that Middle-earth needed. Gandalf the White is the powerful leader of the army of the West and member of the Istari Order.

There are several moments in the series when, without Gandalf, the heroes could have certainly lost everything. Wise, brave, and powerful, Gandalf the White is everything needed in a wizard, making him one of the most beloved characters of all time.

The Witch-King Of Angmar

He’s so powerful that no mere mortal man can end his life. Thankfully, the headstrong and heart-strong Eowyn took care of that problem. Before that, the Witch-King of Angmar was an enormous problem throughout the series. The leader of the Nazgul is not only Sauron’s second-in-command, but a former king of men who succumbed to the corruption of his ring.

He’s an undead monster who is immortal, the Black Captain of Sauron’s forces in the War of the Ring, and the almost-ender of Frodo Baggins, who would have been a goner long before he reached Mount Doom due to the Witch-King’s attack had it not been for the aid of the elves.


She’s not a villain by any means, but she’s so powerful that she is at the helm of one of the most terrifying moments of the entire series. Galadriel, the Lady of Lothlorien, is one of the entrusted Guardians of the Golden Wood for a reason. She is so powerful that even demonstrating what she could do with the One Ring shocked everyone.

As tempted as Gandalf thought he might be by the Ring, the power Galadriel demonstrated in those few seconds proved she might be the most powerful person to wield it in Middle-earth. It’s also made clear that she is the most powerful of the Eldar, which makes her a force to be reckoned with, easily one of the most powerful Lords of the Rings characters.


If he weren’t the most powerful Lords of the Rings character, it wouldn’t have taken multiple battles, countless characters and three films to defeat him. Frodo could have soared over Mount Doom on an Eagle, popped that ring into the fiery pit below, and been home sometime between elevenses and supper. Sauron, the owner of the All-Seeing Eye, is not one to be trifled with

Not only was Sauron originally an extremely powerful Necromancer, but the very immortal soul who crafted the One Ring at Mount Doom. This ring controlled all 19 of the Rings of Power, and Sauron couldn’t have crafted it had he not been more powerful than the Elven-smiths who made the rings, as well as the Elves, Dwarves, and men who wielded them.

The Weakest Beings In The Lord Of The Rings


Boromir seemed to be among the most powerful Lords of the Rings characters, but he proved to be one of the weakest in the series. While he may have left Middle-earth as a hero, his path toward his fate emerged from his own greed and inability to see what the rest of his party could easily discern: the pure evil of the Ring.

As Galadriel noted, “The hearts of men are easily corrupted.” At least Boromir wasn’t as weak as the men who joined forces with Sauron. However, his inability to keep his hands to himself when it came to the One Ring while his own younger brother demonstrated greater self-control makes him one of the weakest characters in the films.

The Mouth Of Sauron

The Mouth of Sauron was never one of the most powerful Lords of the Rings characters. Not only did the Lieutenant of Barad-dur forget his own name after entering Sauron’s service, but he abandoned his post until Sauron rose to power again. This proves the only cause that he served was the one that was most likely to win.

Arrogant and blasphemous, the Mouth of Sauron represents the False Prophet of the Bible. Given that his only power is to mouth off, so to speak, he’s one of the weakest creatures in Middle-earth.


Isildur started off as one of the most powerful Lords of the Rings characters, destroying Sauron long before anyone else ever did. He chopped the Ring of Power off Sauron’s hand, which should have earned him a spot on the list of powerful LOTR beings. It’s too bad that Isildur proved to be weaker than hobbits, succumbing to the lure of the ring.

He met his own end soon enough after claiming it as his own. Even at the moment that Elrond implored him to destroy it, Isildur’s weakness led him to adorn himself with the ring and vanish. This not only demonstrated his own feeble mind but also served as the greatest foreshadowing in LOTR history.


Although loved by many, Peregrin Took is sometimes seen as the Jar Jar Binks of the LOTR world. Pippin is one of the youngest of the fellowship, but he still makes such enormous gaffes that it remains a pain to watch. Between catching the eye of Sauron, swearing his life to Denethor II, and generally not catching onto anything until the last minute, Pippin has spirit, and his friendship with Merry is wholesome, but his innocence makes him far too vulnerable.

That’s not to say that Pip is entirely innocent, by any means, as he’s known to get himself into trouble frequently. He’s such a hobbit at heart that he almost can’t help but expect everything will turn out for the best.


The Elvenking Thranduil is a character who makes decisions that only benefit himself. This makes Thranduil a vain, callous, and blasé individual. Witnessing Thranduil’s willingness to lock Thorin Oakenshield up for 100 years if necessary when his company entered Mirkwood, it’s challenging to think fondly of him even after he leads the Battle of the Five Armies.

It’s no wonder that Bilbo refused to remain in Mirkwood at the behest of the Elvenking. Though he had power, Thranduil’s selfishness and refusal to act without personal gain make him one of the weak links. His son Legolas has much more class.


Corrupted by the One Ring from the first moment he encountered it, Smeagol proves to be one of the weakest creatures in the saga as he kills his own best friend in order to keep it for himself. It’s difficult to muster any empathy for the depraved Gollum who will do anything to nab his precious from the “filthy fat hobbit” and his “master” Frodo.

Glimpsing at how tortured the Ring rendered him through the split presences of Gollum and his former self, Smeagol, shows viewers that a tiny portion of good remains in the creature after all of this time. It was easy to feel sorry for him, even after he finally obtains his desire in the end, resulting in his own disturbingly ecstatic demise.


Orcs believe themselves to be tough, but when a single arrow from Legolas or a blow from Gimli’s axe brings one of them down quite quickly, it shows they aren’t as strong as they thought. Orcs are like ants: they’re really not that threatening on their own.

Their true threat lies in their numbers. The Uruk-hai, the strongest species of Middle-earth, were much more impressive, but still not powerful enough to pit a single one of them alone against any of the most powerful beings here.

King Theoden

King Theoden’s mind was so weak that Grima Wormtongue, one of the weakest characters in the entire series, was able to control him and his kingdom, resulting in destruction and ruin. He even perished in battle while his niece, whom he forbade to fight, not only almost saved him, but proved to be quite competent.

Had Gandalf never come to the king’s aid, he surely would have perished at the hands of Saruman through Wormtongue’s administrations. Even his own nephew, the warrior Eomer, abandoned him.

Denethor II

Denethor II, the 26th Ruling Steward of Gondor, may have been a decent man once, but given his treatment of his son Faramir, it is doubtful. Denethor II praised Boromir and rejected his younger brother — even though it was Faramir who proved to be stronger against the One Ring. Faramir nearly gave his life on his cruel father’s orders, even though he knew it was for a lost cause, and never stopped trying to be a good son.

Denethor II’s obvious madness led to his own fiery end when he almost burned his wounded son alive. Had he been strong enough to accept Faramir and love him, he might have enjoyed a better life.

Grima Wormtongue

Grima Wormtongue is so pathetically weak that many pitied him, but it was quite difficult to do when he’s pardoned and returns to Saruman the White anyway. Adviser to King Theoden of Rohan, Wormtongue was Rohan-born but turned traitor to spy on the kingdom, poison Theoden’s mind, and generally cause the kingdom to suffer while the king descended into madness,

He’s also the character who gives the worst creepy vibes as he stalks Eowyn, hoping to be her suitor even as he destroys those she loves most. Wormtongue is weak in the way that Peter Pettigrew of Harry Potter is weak: he’d rather betray his own and save his own skin.