To this day, J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings hold places in many fans’ hearts. With classic fights between good and evil, Tolkien treats us with a fleshed-out world. Inside that world is one of the main tales that both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings speak of: The Fellowship of the Ring, the first book of Tolkien’s fantasy trilogy.

Made up different races and personalities, the Fellowship must destroy the One Ring before Sauron regains full power. But these people are not perfect. In fact, they make many mistakes along the way, which is what makes their story so enthralling and relatable. Many have spoken of the Fellowship’s bravery but today, we speak of the worst things that the Fellowship has done.

Not Choosing More Wizards Or Elves

Is no one batting an eye at the fact that there are four hobbits and only one wizard and elf in this Fellowship? Sure, wizards are hard to come by but knowing their power, why not invite the wizard of nature, Radagast the Brown? We’re sure he’d love to stop the entire land from being corrupted by evil.

After that, couldn’t they have at least talked to Legolas and asked: “Hey do you know any other Elves who want to fight against evil?” Having races that are less likely to die and more agile would be beneficial to the Fellowship.

Merry And Pippin Being Picked For The Fellowship

As if having four hobbits isn’t lackluster enough, we just let the hobbits do dumb things? Cases in point: Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck. Lovable? Surely. Sharp? Surely not. For one, they cook meats while on the run from Nazgul. Ah yes, shall we eat for the sixth time in one day? Poor Aragorn leaves them alone for one second and this is what happens.

Yes, it shows their understandable train of thought, but this is avoidable. Next time, let’s gather the Fellowship and make a rudimentary list of what not to do. This would be number one.

Frodo’s Use Of The Ring Of Power

There are times in The Lord of the Rings where Frodo Baggins needs an escape. But instead of finding one or having reliable companions to help out, Frodo ends up wearing the Ring. By doing so, Frodo faces a double-edged blade of after-effects.

The good news is that Frodo becomes invisible. The bad news is that Frodo basically screams “FIND ME” to the Nazgul and Sauron’s Eye. Yes, we know that the Ring is symbolism for addictions. Bad choices are easy to make. Frodo, we just care about your well-being. We’re mad because we care.

Frodo Not Seeing His Bond With Sam

Frodo and Samwise Gamgee are bound to each other by fate and friendship. Well, that is until Gollum turns them against each other. With Mount Doom in eyesight, Frodo slowly loses his sanity.While under the influence Ring’s thrall, Frodo feels led astray by Sam. Gollum lies to Frodo, telling him that Sam took the Lembas bread. He even sees Sam as someone who wants to steal the Ring for himself.

But you see, Sam would never betray Frodo. Would Frodo really listen to Gollum, despite the numerous times Gollum tried to screw them over, kill them via Shelob’s lair, etc.?

Gandalf Doesn’t Kill Gollum

When navigating the Mines of Moria, Frodo notices something following him. That “something” is Gollum, a creature that Gandalf deems important to their quest. Yeah, he plays a part because you didn’t kill him, Gandalf. The previous entry wouldn’t even exist if Gandalf just raised his magic staff once and poof … a dead Gollum.

Obviously many characters get redeemed over the course of the story, but Gollum is the simply beyond redemption. Maybe Frodo wouldn’t have fought and betrayed Sam if Gollum/Smeagle wasn’t alive. Just saying.

Gandalf Forgets He Has Magic

The Mines of Moria are a dangerous place where the horror known as the Balrog lurks beneath. Gandalf even begs to go another route as the mines hold horrific evils. After a long chase, Gandalf saves his companions from the evil Balrog at the (temporary) cost of his own life.

We look at this moment and are excited by Gandalf’s magical prowess but why didn’t he use his magic more? By the time of Return of the King, Gandalf takes on many an orcs while barely breaking a sweat. We’re sure the Fellowship could’ve used that more often.

Pippin Throws Rocks Near Moria

Perhaps out of kindness, Gandalf let Pippin join the Fellowship. Gandalf might have seen how brave Pippin will be one day but early on? Pippin’s kind of an idiot. For example: while on the way to the Mines of Moria, Gandalf’s warns of great evils that lurk below the water.

And so Pippin decides it would be a good time to throw rocks by an ominous lake… what? While it’s obvious that the Hobbit had no clue about the monster, it would benefit him if he listened to Gandalf that one time.

Gimli Doesn’t Know About The Mines

Speaking of the Mines of Moria, Gimli the Dwarf should have kept tabs on Moria and known about the horrific events that occurred there. If the slaughter of the Mines were recent, we’d let it slide. But if the skeletons are any indication, it’s been a while.

To top it all off, Gimli prides himself in being a dwarf. Their race is a tightly-knit community that is full of respect and kindness for each other. When Gimli sees the desolation and Balin’s defeat, he is torn. If Gimli was aware of the carnage, things could have been different.

Letting Boromir Join The Fellowship

Whoever invited Boromir to the party obviously didn’t read their history books. Of the Rings of Power, Sauron gave nine to the race of men - a race known for how basically frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of power. So why are humans in a group meant to stay uncorrupted and destroy the One Ring?

Aragorn, the King, is a worthy member because he is unlike most men. Meanwhile, Boromir is like most humans: easily corrupted. Sure, he realizes his evil ways and sacrifices himself for the group… but really? Why did they even risk it?

Aragorn Is Too Kind To The Army Of The Dead

Late in the story, Aragorn and company recruit the Army of the Dead to fight Sauron. While worthy allies, one must ask why Aragorn didn’t keep the dead a little longer. Long story short, Aragorn and the undead win the Battle for Minas Tirith. Countless orcs are slaughtered and afterwards, the dead’s king asks Aragorn to be freed of their bond.

Aragorn in all of his kingly kindness, says “yup” and they are released. With more battles ahead, why not keep the Army of the Dead a little longer? Was winning a single battle all they were worth?