The reference to the Rings of Power in this early promotional material suggests that they are going to be part of the story of The Lord of the Rings TV show. It makes sense to include the rings in some capacity and it suggests that the show is going to involve an epic scale of conflict, as the presence of the rings in the story often were associated with wars and the arrival of dragons.

If the Rings of Power are going to be a central part of The Lord of the Rings TV show, then we have to wonder how they will fit into the story. The show is set before the events of Fellowship of the Ring, which means that the One Ring is either lost, in the hands of Gollum, or in the hands of Bilbo. The Nine will be in the possession of Sauron and the Three always stayed with the same group of people, as Galadriel always kept her ring, Cirdan gave his ring to Gandalf, and Gil-Galad gave the last of the Three to Elrond.

It’s possible that the show will focus on the Seven, as their fate is more questionable than the others. It’s said that Sauron possesses three of the Seven and the others were claimed by dragon fire, but the story of how these rings met their fate could be an important part of the show.