Most shows have those moments when the audience is either cheering for, or against, the characters at hand. This is usually because they’re doing something incredibly intelligent or incredibly unintelligent - but LOST was a show that broke that tradition. The show itself was nothing but pure brilliance on the part of JJ Abrams, who crafted a world in which rules were followed to a T, yet broken at the same time. Never has there been a more creative, confusing, or mind-blowing plot - at least not this decade.

Many will disagree, claiming the show made little sense to them, but those of us who know, know. We can go back but we can’t change the future… So who did we rely on the most for their brans and intuition? Here are all of our favorite brainy characters, in order of street-smart to pure genius.

‘Sawyer’, James Ford

Sawyer was a favorite not just because of his attitude, but because of his sarcasm… Which is actually a sign of intelligence. While the smarts he had were mostly street-worthy, it doesn’t change the fact that he was definitely one of the quickest thinkers on the show.

He may have been unruly and tough to get along with, but he survived as a con man for years prior to ending up on the island. That, in itself, demonstrates a will to not only survive, but thrive in an environment where crime is intended to be hard to get away with, not easy.

Desmond Hume

Desmond was quick to figure things out on his own with little help from others. Once he realized what was happening on the island, and in general, he was able to warn the others. They didn’t understand him initially, of course, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was far ahead of the game before most realized they were playing one. He also had a direct connection to Daniel and Eloise, and the fact that he understood them both transcended an average level of smarts.

Jin-Soo Kwon

Working for a mob is a grueling, thankless, and violent job, but it’s what Jin had to do in order to ensure he and his wife had a stable life. While it’s not this that made him smart, it did make him aware, which then helped him to perform on the island in the way he did. It was likely this quality that Sun’s father saw in him in the first place, as his capacity to survive was unparalleled. His determination and strength also played a role in their dual survival, providing the perfect balance for (dysfunctional) island life.

Walt Lloyd

While Walt became somewhat of a mystery until the show’s ending, it doesn’t mean that Walt didn’t have something peculiar about him that was worth noting. It was implied that he eventually grew to learn what was happening before everyone else; so much so that he was taken by the Others based on his unique merit. His intelligence was revealed during the first game of Backgammon against John Locke, which he picked up quickly and showed signs of curiosity - another attribute of those who have high intelligence.

John Locke

Naturally, John Locke had to make the list. His intelligence came to us in a different form than the rest, as he was intuitive by nature. As opposed to characters such as Eloise, Daniel, or Ben, he wasn’t necessarily quick to solve equations.

Rather, he was quick to make decisions and followed his gut - which was pretty smart, most of the time - in order to survive. His problem was allowing his heart to take over, preventing him from seeing the whole picture and knowing the dangers of the island, rather than being guarded and cynical.

Jack Shepard

As unique protagonists go, Jack was special. It was something that Locke picked up on right away, but also something that Jack didn’t realize until the very end. It was obvious that he was smart, as he was a spinal surgeon, but he was also quick on his feet. Unlike Locke, who stood as his polar opposite most of the time, he was strictly brains over heart. This kept him detached for the longest time but also proved worthy when it came to coming up with plans and strategies.

Sayid Jarrah

Sayid was, perhaps, one of the smartest of those one the island. From the get-go, he was revealed to be a technological mastermind, having plenty of military experience from the Republican Guard to back him up. While his job was to torture the truth out of people, it also takes an intelligent person to get to the bottom of a problem. He was a natural-born solution maker, a problem-solver, and a survival genius, for all intents and purposes. Aside from losing himself in his past, his logic was nearly flawless 99% of the time.

Ben Linus

Intelligence comes in many forms, including manipulation and trickery. Ben used these methods in spades when it came to controlling the Others, who followed his every command. While he was their theoretical leader for all intents and purposes, it was a role that also brought on stress and alienation. His intelligence was clearly off the charts as he’d managed to control an entire group of people, but it wasn’t rewarding or accomplished, such as the other characters.

Daniel Faraday


It’s no surprise that Daniel Faraday made it to the top of the list. As far as book smarts go, Daniel was so intelligent that he confused nearly every person he ran into, until Charlotte (RIP, Daniel’s only true love).

His mathematics, equations, and theories defied the average person’s level of logic, throwing him into some awkward situations. He was the only one besides his mother, Eloise, who understood what was truly happening in the space-time continuum that was the island.

Eloise Hawking

Perhaps that smartest of them all was Eloise. She was the only one who knew from the very beginning not only the methodology behind the island, but also the fate of every single person on it. Along with Charles Widmore, who could also be considered pretty dang smart, she studied and learned what was happening - and what was to happen. Richard could also be included in this group, as he lived many times prior after being thrust on the island.

Next: Doctor Who: Every Doctor, Ranked By Their Outfit