For six seasons, ABC’s LOST kept viewers guessing, with its tale of survivors from a plane crash stranded on a mysterious island. Through flashbacks, flashforwards, and yes, even flash-sideways, viewers came to know more about the survivors as they wrestled with the secrets of the island and their past and present choices.

Speaking of choices, viewers also caught a glimpse of each character’s personal style through the show’s six seasons. In all fairness, the island did put limits on each character’s wardrobe. However, fans still could evaluate what characters wore on that fateful flight, as well as how they wore what they found on the island. Also, the show’s groundbreaking flashbacks, flashforwards, and pesky flash-sideways offered a peek into their outfit choices from civilization. So without further ado, here are 5 of the best and 5 of the worst outfits worn by characters from LOST.

Worst: Charlie Pace’s Diaper Costume

In the twelfth episode of season two, Charlie’s flashback shows the effects of his brother Liam’s heroin addiction and their band Drive Shaft. Charlie desperately tries to help his brother and the fledgling band and soon resorts to desperate measures.

He and the band film a diaper commercial where their hit song “You All Everybody” has been reworked to “You All Every Butties.” The worst part? They’re actually wearing diapers inside of a giant crib. Also, Liam can’t keep it together and falls through the massive bars during filming. While viewers sympathize with Charlie, it can’t be denied that this is one of the worst looks seen on Lost and further communicates his desperation.

Best: Shannon Rutherford’s Plane Crash Outfit

Shannon Rutherford spent most of her time on the island sporting a flirty, albeit generic, mid-2000s wardrobe which included an impressive selection of miniskirts. While her outfits were highly impractical for surviving on an island, they did serve her story and character.

One of Shannon’s best outfits was her pink tank and jacket coupled with a white pleated skirt she’s seen wearing in the first half of the show’s pilot episode. The baby pink and white color combo is feminine, stylish, and looks like it belongs anywhere but in the middle of the smoking fuselage.

Worst: Mr. Friendly’s “Others” Costume

Early in the series, the survivors became aware of " The Others" on the island. While pretending to be a rough and primitive group, several of the “The Others,” led by Tom Friendly, would appear in colorless, raggedy costumes.

Mr. Friendly’s costume, along with his fake beard, was especially worn out and just gross. Although it did succeed at fooling both viewers and the survivors.

Best: Desmond Hume’s Suit In “Everyone Loves Hugo”

In episode twelve of season six, a flash-sideways showed Libby meeting Hurley and telling him that they’ve already met. Desmond then met with Hurley and encouraged him to believe Libby, even though she’s in a mental institution. Desmond then finds both Ben and Locke who are teachers. After talking with Ben, Desmond then runs over Locke with his car.

Despite spending years in the hatch pushing a button every 108 minutes, Desmond proved he had decent fashion sense when he had options. His black ensemble sans tie was modern and sleek without being too formal.

Worst: Jungle Claire’s Outfit

Claire Littleton went through quite a style evolution throughout the show’s six seasons. In the first season, Claire is pregnant and has a youthful, artsy style. Once Aaron is born, Claire gravitates towards lighter colors and delicate details for a more feminine, romantic look.

After Claire spends years alone in the jungle, she emerges with frizzy, unkempt hair wearing dark cargo pants, a dirty tank top, and a dark-colored plaid shirt.

Best: Kate’s Green Top and Cargo Pants

Kate Austen’s island-style was a combination of girl next door meets Lara Croft. Even though plain tees and tanks with cargo pants or jeans can be boring, Kate managed several standout outfits which complimented her well.

This feminine, yet sporty green top and cargo pants combo was one of her best looks and captured her overall style on the island.

Worst: Jack’s Shirt in “Stranger in a Strange Land”

Jack mostly wore dark T-shirts and jeans on the island. Back in the real world, he was usually seen in a suit or scrubs. Basically, his style is simple, classic, and utilitarian.

In the ninth episode of season three, viewers learned about Jack’s signature tattoos and that he too can commit crimes against fashion. While on a beach in Thailand, Jack wore a pink button-down shirt covered in a tiny, almost cross-stitch inspired design. Honestly, it looked more like a shirt from Saved by the Bell’s Zack Morris’ closet than Dr. Jack Shephard’s.

Best: Shannon’s Black Dress

In a flashback, viewers learn Shannon was a ballet instructor and had applied for an internship at a dance company. After her father’s death, she was financially cut off by her stepmother which led to the start of her downward spiral.

At Shannon’s father’s funeral, she wore a classy black dress and matching headband which showed off her then long blonde locks. The outfit was a contrast to what she typically wore on the island; and even though it was one of her saddest moments, it’s one of the best outfits seen on the show.

Worst: Hurley’s Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Uniform

Before Hugo “Hurley” Reyes won the lottery using the show’s infamous numbers, he worked at Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack. After winning the lottery both before the crash and in the flash-sideways, Hurley will use his new fortune to purchase Mr. Cluck’s.

But before he won the first time, he worked at Mr. Cluck’s after being released from a mental health institute. At this point, he was suffering from low self-confidence and abuse from his boss Randy. It was a low point for Hurley, and the gross green polo with a chicken head probably wasn’t helping matters.

Best: Kate’s Flash-Forward Outfit

Due to Kate’s past and her fugitive status, it always seemed her future off-island would be bleak. Surprisingly, Kate was able to create a sort of normal life for a time raising Aaron in a flash-forward. She and Jack also grew closer together and even got engaged.

This classy, dark tailored top and pencil skirt suited Kate. It communicated stability and maturity since she was no longer on the run and now responsible for Aaron. It was also refreshing to see her in a different look after several seasons of grime-covered cargo pants and t-shirts.