Debuting in fall 2004, ABC’s Lost arrived on the back of a wave of hype, only to quickly became one of the hottest properties in TV history. Running for 6 seasons total, Lost’s mysterious brand of storytelling captivated audiences worldwide, creating 10 new questions for every lingering one that it chose to answer. While the ratings eventually tapered off, it really can’t be overstated how big a deal the show was for much of the 2000s.

Today, Lost’s overall reputation is a bit more divided, with those that still cherish the series seemingly equaled by those who regard it as too convoluted for its own good. No aspect of the show more exemplifies this divide than opinions regarding 2010’s series finale, easily one of the most intensely debated in the modern history of TV. Whatever one thinks of its denouement, the importance of Lost to the development of today’s twist-heavy serialized drama format is hard to argue.

In the current age of TV revivals, it’s only natural that many fans are wondering just how long it’ll take for Lost to reemerge on the small-screen landscape. Divisive finale aside, Lost still retains a very large number of devotees, folks who would be very excited to take a trip back to the island and learn what new mysteries it might hold. In a recent interview with EW, Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof was asked about the possibility of a reboot, and offered the following comments:

So there it is, Lost lovers, straight from the co-creator’s mouth. Lindelof and Cuse are perfectly welcoming to the idea of a Lost resurrection, but they don’t see themselves as returning to guide the creative ship this time out. This prospect is actually likely to excite those who never fail to blame the two for what they perceive as Lost’s dip in quality during its last several seasons. At the same time, some Lost fans will likely be given pause, as putting the series in new hands risks a failure to recapture what people loved about it in the first place.

“Carlton [Cuse] and I always said that we welcome any future crack at the [intellectual property]. Lost was bigger than us and bigger than [co-creator] J.J. [Abrams]. There’s something really exciting about the fact that George Lucas sold the Star Wars universe and now the people who grew up watching it are making it. Maybe the same thing could be said for Lost.”

If Lost eventually does come back though, a huge question is what form it would take, whether or not Lindelof and Cuse choose to be involved creatively. A sequel series that incorporated some of Lost’s surviving original characters seems like a natural choice, but there’s a question as to how many cast members would even be ready to return, as many are busy with their own current film and TV projects.

A full-on reboot of the Lost concept could also very well be a possibility, but one wonders whether existing fans would resent a group of new characters attempting to walk so closely in the footsteps of Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, etc. Whatever way things end up shaking out, here’s hoping the ending of a potential Lost 2.0 ends up less divisive.

Source: EW (via Cinema Blend)