[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FzHzlMneaeQ] (adult topics/language: NSFW)

There is a lot of buzz on the net right now on Louis CK’s self-promoted video which he launched this week for $5, DRM free.  We love the idea and loved the 1.1GB video.  One interesting note, via Reddit interview: Louis CK does his own editing on Final Cut Pro:

The experiment seems to be a success…

I love editing. I have used Avid in the past but I exclusively use Final Cut Pro now, though I am concerned about the future… You always have to put three dots after the future… editing is part of the process. It’s how you form everything. In some ways not editing yourself would be like a sculptor dropping some clay off at a guys house and saying “Make a naked lady chasing a bull. and do it nice.”

Get the video here (highly recommended).