Jessica has been one of the most controversial cast members on the Netflix reality series Love is Blind. The show sees single men and women talk with one another from secluded pods where they can only hear, not see, each other. They only get to meet in person if there’s a marriage proposal.

Right from the get-go, Jessica stood out. As one of the oldest females at 34, she has long been looking for love and is ready to start a family. She has a successful career and immediately sparked interest with multiple guys.

But it wasn’t all good for Jessica. Things slowly went downhill and she left a lot of viewers screaming at their TVs. Here’s a look at some of her best and worst moments on the show.

Worst: Going Back to Mark

While we totally agree with Jessica “breaking up” with Mark if she truly felt she had a deeper connection with Barnett, especially when we’re talking about marriage, she then did the unthinkable when Barnett decided he had a deeper connection with someone else instead.

She went back to Mark, apologized, and said she really wanted to be with him after all. In one of the most frustrating moments of the show, Mark said he didn’t want to play second fiddle, then contradicted himself and took her back anyway! It was a terrible thing to do. If she pursued Barnett and he wasn’t interested, she should have left it at that.

Best: Developing a Friendship with Giannina

All of the girls seemed to get along really well with the exception of Jessica and Amber, who had a frenemy-type situation going on since they were both interested in the same guy. But Jessica sparked a particularly good friendship with Giannina, who she said was like her little sister.

She offered advice to the young woman and helped her through tough times when things weren’t going well with her fiancé Damian. It was nice to see the two women getting along so well.

Worst: Giving Her Dog Wine

Twitter blew up when Jessica nonchalantly gave her dog wine while having a casual conversation with Mark in her home. It wasn’t even so much that she gave the pet wine to drink, which in itself is terrible (wine isn’t exactly good for dogs!), but it was more the way she did it.

While talking with Mark, she slowly tilted her wine glass (yes, hers!) down so her dog could lick inside. Then, she proceeded to continue to drink the wine. Gross!

Best: Opening Up To Mark In The Pods

Jessica showed a great side of herself that was caring, understanding, and deep during her intimate conversations with Mark in the pods. They talked about life, what was important to them, what they wanted in the future, past experiences – you name it.

It was wonderful to see the two people slowly falling in love with one another without ever having seen each other in person. It was a sweeter side of Jessica that almost seemed to disappear once she began her in-person relationship with Mark.

Worst: Getting Drunk

We can’t totally blame Jessica for this as alcohol seemed to be flowing everywhere they went throughout filming. And we’ve all been there. It’s easy to be riddled with emotions and drink one too many. Before you know it, you’re slurring your words, bouncing around, and saying things you shouldn’t.

Jessica, however, seemed to imbibe more than any other cast member (not including Amber) and got plastered on more than one occasion. It was embarrassing to watch as she made a fool of herself a few times.

Best: Getting Advice From Her Friends

Once back at home, we got to see Jessica in her element, meeting with her friends to discuss her pending engagement and relationship with Mark. It was lovely to see that she has such a supportive group of friends who shrugged off the 10-year age difference between the two (Mark is 24) and were on board with whatever she wanted to do.

It seemed like a little taste of who Jessica is versus the version of Jessica that came out during much of the show as she struggled with her decision to marry Mark (or not).

Worst: Flirting With Barnett

After leaving the pods and heading to Mexico, all of the engaged couples got to meet one another. Needless to say, it was awkward between Barnett, Jessica, Amber, and Mark. But it was made more so when Jessica continued to pull Barnett aside to talk to him. While she wasn’t outright flirting with him, her subtle comments weren’t so subtle.

It was clear that if he were to tell her he made a mistake and wanted to be with her instead, she would have dropped Mark.

Best: Showing Her Success

Jessica has a beautiful home, which she showed Mark, and was open about how hard she has worked to build her career and to continue to be successful. She was open and honest about this with Mark, which we can appreciate.

She even told him that she would need a prenup before marriage, which, under these circumstances, we could totally understand. At just 24, living with his friend and his girlfriend, and working as a fitness trainer, Mark isn’t exactly on the same financial or even life level as Jessica. She might not have been lucky in love up to this point, but she’s certainly a smart woman.

Worst: Toying With Mark’s Emotions

From the moment they got to Mexico, Jessica seemed to be toying with Mark’s emotions. She would constantly push him away, seemingly unattracted to him and pulling away at any form of affection. After seeing Barnett and him reiterating that he is with Amber and happy, she would run into Mark’s arms like he was the man of her dreams.

But then she would drink too much and declare how hot she thought Barnett was or tell Mark that she loved him, only to then act like the complete opposite was true. It has been a roller coaster and it’s a wonder that Mark stuck around for it.

Best: Winning Over Mark’s Mom

Mark is a mama’s boy and Jessica seemed really nervous to meet his mother given their age difference. But she managed to win the woman over who seemed to have no issue with her age and was happy if her son was happy.

It was sweet to see them have a nice family dinner together and for Jessica to meet the most important woman in Mark’s life (besides her, of course) and realize that he wasn’t looking to replace his mom but just wants someone who will mesh well with her and his family.