After initially saving the series from a network cancellation, Netflix brought Lucifer to a close in 2021. The show is centered around Lucifer’s desire to live on Earth after running his Kingdom of Hell for thousands of years, and the humans and demons that surround him.

Watching mortals and immortals face off in an otherwise straightforward police procedural makes for a dynamic and memorable cast of characters. Each one continues to develop more or less realistically, managing to still surprise viewers dozens of episodes later. After two cancellations, and multiple efforts to save the show, fans have gotten to know the characters pretty well. Everyone has a favorite, but and their personalities can be examined through the lens of MBTI® typing.

Ella Lopez: ENTP, The Debater

Ella, who joins the series in the second season, is easily seen as an Extrovert as she feeds off of the energy of the people around her, quick to engage with them. When Ella finds herself left out or ignored, her own mood plummets. More than simply being an Extrovert though, Ella fits into the personality of the Debater quite well.

While some see Debaters as argumentative, that’s not the case. They are quick to pick up on small details and explain things with ease. Much of Ella’s ENTP nature is demonstrated in her crime scene reenactments and her evidence explanations for the team.

Rory Morningstar: ISFP, The Adventurer

Rory is a big surprise to the audience in Lucifer’s final season as she time travels to the past, bringing a new source of conflict to the series. She becomes a driving force in Season 6, and she’s the best fit for the ISFP personality type. Adventurers are often seen as free spirits, going with the flow in life. While Rory knows that she can’t give much of the future away, she is able to go with the flow in the past, adapting to her new situation fairly quickly, and fitting in amongst the family that doesn’t yet know her. She also maintains her own individuality, despite being amongst people who don’t know her well, which is where Adventurers often excel.

Rory does have the Introvert and the Feeling traits in large amounts. Despite wanting to be close to her family, when things get to be too much for her, she needs time alone. Likewise, she’s a sensitive soul who is able to see when her presence makes things more difficult for others. Rory just wants to feel like she’s got a place in her father’s life.

Charlotte Richards: ESTJ, The Executive

If someone is extroverted and goal-based, easily understands other people and prefers clear answers, they might be most like Charlotte. 

A high-powered attorney, the real Charlotte Richards (not the Charlotte Richards-shaped vessel Goddess used to be on earth) is independent and confident. She has a lot of classic Extravert traits - she finds it easy to talk to people and is warm with the people she cares about. Those Observing traits mean she can always read a room and generally is a good leader. Fans know from the second she’s reintroduced that she goes after what she wants. Her Thinking traits make her great at finding loopholes, which is what makes her a great lawyer, but her Judging traits mean she prefers order and clarity.

Goddess: ENFP, The Campaigner

Those fans with good intentions, but a quick temper, might identify more with Lucifer’s mother, the Goddess of all creation.

The Goddess fans meet after she escaped Hell is stressed and occasionally emotional. In her past, when she created the Universe, the audience knows that she was classically Extraverted - creative, curious, and enthusiastic. Her Intuitive traits mean that Goddess is imaginative, likes novelty, and is interested in the future - good traits for someone who is creating universes. She was popular, but as someone with a lot of Feeling traits, she sometimes had poor practical skills and was often highly emotional. After all, she did lash out at humans when she was unhappy with God. The Prospecting traits mean she’s adaptable and can really improvise when she needs to. 

Amenadiel: ISTJ, The Logistician

As the eldest of the Morningstar angels, Amenadiel is the one that God relies upon the most. If someone is practical, fact-based, and values rule-following, they might see a lot of themselves in Amenadiel.

Early in the show, he constantly tries to use logic instead of emotion to get Lucifer to return to Hell. Unfortunately, his desire to create order and his strong will means he tries to strong-arm Lucifer back into Hell, rather than appealing to Lucifer’s more naturally emotional side. His strong sense of responsibility means he blames himself for things he really can’t control. But eventually, his calm demeanor and honest approach, and genuine desire to do good redeem him.

Mazikeen: INFJ, The Advocate

Many personality descriptions of INFJs position them as tireless idealists, which people tend to associate with “the good side.” But filtered through the view of a demon, Mazikeen is quite idealistic, just not in a way that humans will appreciate. 

If someone is mostly quiet until pushed on a subject that they truly believe in, they might have a lot in common with Mazikeen, even if they’re on different sides of the table. That’s best exemplified in Maze firmly believing that she and Lucifer were doing the right thing when running Hell. Mazikeen uses her Intuition traits when she’s punishing people, instantly being able to read them and design torture specifically for them. But her Feeling traits mean she is easily angered and grows frustrated when she feels like things aren’t progressing at the pace she believes they should.

Eve: ESFP, The Entertainer

Eve seems like she’s all about having a good time, but really, she falls quickly (and hard) into love, and she has trouble letting old feelings go. After thousands of years of separation from Lucifer, she is still desperately in love with him, though only with the version of Lucifer that Eve initially had a relationship with in the garden and idealized. She is bold, seen when she escapes Heaven for Earth and tries to seduce Lucifer again. Her Extroverted traits make it easy for her to befriend anyone, and her Feeling traits help her connect, even if they can also hinder her as often as they help her. Combined with her Prospective traits, this is what makes her occasionally manipulative and reckless.

Unfortunately, Eve isn’t a great long-term planner, but her decision to explore Earth and figure out who she is without Adam or Lucifer was one of the best she made in the series. It allowed her to find what truly made her happy instead of focusing on what she thought would make Adam or Lucifer happy. 

Linda Martin: INFP, The Mediator

Someone open-minded, flexible, and always looking for the best solution to a bad situation has a lot in common with Dr. Linda Martin. As a psychotherapist, her Intuitive and Feeling traits help her pinpoint Lucifer’s struggles, even when he can’t name them himself. She seeks to harmonize his interior world with the way he portrays himself. Linda is passionate, energetic, and very creative, all of which can be seen in her very first interaction with Lucifer. 

While she can take things a little too personally and plays her cards close to her chest, she makes a very good friend to anyone who takes the time to get to know her. She’s dedicated and idealistic, which is never more clear than when she tells him, “I walked into this with my eyes wide open, chose to be your friend, and face all that comes with that. The good, the bad, and the crispy.” Linda’s relationships with the other Lucifer characters really drive the show forward.

Chloe Decker: ESFJ, The Consul 

Those who wish to be investigators or work in medicine or social work have a lot in common. Those are clear career paths for Consuls like Chloe Decker because they are primarily concerned with helping other people. Fans know from the very first episode that this is one of Chloe’s main drives, and her compassion for others is constantly on display throughout the show. 

Chloe has a strong sense of duty, and she connects with others quite easily. Her Observing traits make her a great investigator, but her Judging traits are what bring her the most conflict: She has an instinct to go off-book but wants desperately to remain on-book. She has to for her job, and so when Lucifer pushes the boundaries of the law, it frustrates her even when she sees that it’s working. She worries about her status in the precinct but is also practical enough to know that isn’t everything. 

Lucifer Morningstar: ENFJ, The Protagonist

It might be a little on-the-nose to have the main character of a show fit the Protagonist personality type so perfectly, but it can’t be denied. ENFJs like Lucifer love to have fun and are generally the center of attention in any situation. They are passionate, charismatic, and good at inspiring other people. Protagonists are often described as mesmerizing, which Lucifer can be quite literally, but natural confidence goes a long way for that in mortal humans as well. 

Lucifer grows dramatically throughout the show, and this is most pronounced in those Feelings characteristics. He learns to actually relate to humans and see things from their perspective, especially through Chloe. He goes from understanding one facet of humanity to empathizing with them, a trait all ENFJs tend to have in spades. People also see ENFJs as reliable, but they can have fluctuating self-esteem which makes it hard to make decisions. But with his natural Intuitive tendencies, he always manages to move forward with a little help from his friends.