Thanks to a new rumor, we may know the villain for season two of Luke Cage. Last year, Marvel’s third Netflix series wowed fans and general audiences alike thanks to its timely approach to police brutality and the black experience in America. It didn’t hurt that it also featured plenty of action, comedy, and superheroics. Shortly following the premiere, Netflix announced the show would be getting a second season, following strong numbers and rave reviews. And while Luke will next show up in this summer’s The Defenders, actor Mike Colter won’t be resting on his laurels.

With filming for the team-up recently wrapped, all signs point towards season two of Luke Cage beginning production shortly. Many fans had hoped to see the next season of both Luke Cage and Iron Fist turned into a Heroes for Hire show. And while that may still happen for the latter, which has yet to be renewed, the former will be telling at least one more solo story. Still, the chemistry between Colter and Finn Jones is said to be fantastic, so perhaps Danny Rand will pop over to give Luke an assist. The bulletproof hero has no shortage of friends, but which foes will he face this season?

That Hashtag Show was able to get their hands on a rumored casting breakdown, highlighting two possible new characters for the show. And thanks to their speculation, we may have a clue as to which comic book villain Luke will face. Check out the descriptions below:

For Tamara, THS had to do a bit of stretching and guessed she could be a rework of Luke’s long-lost brother. For Byron, however, they made a much more convincing case. Based on his name and description, they believe he may be the character Bushmaster from the comics. A high-ranking member of the Maggia in Europe, he comes to New York and confronts both Luke Cage and Iron Fist. He eventually even undergoes the same process Luke did to get similar powers. He also follows in the footsteps of the late great Cottonmouth and Diamondback by adopting the name of a snake.

Byron: 30 – 45, 6'0 or taller, Jamaican, but open to Black Caribbean or African Descent. The smartest man any room, the most effortlessly powerful man in any situation. A natural leader, brimming with resentment but focused on justice. Physically fit and wildly intelligent. Speaks with a native accent from Jamaica / Caribbean / Africa, etc.* SERIES REGULAR

Tamara mid-20’s – early 30’s, African American, female, earthy. A brilliant, confident business owner who prides herself on her independence. As much as she tries to stay far from trouble, it seems to always find her.* ACTORS MUST BE STRONG SINGERS. SERIES REGULAR

We’ll likely have to wait a bit longer to know whether there’s any merit to the rumor, but it seems to add up and THS have a fairly good track record. With season two of Luke Cage likely filming soon, a lot more information will start coming in over the coming weeks. Stay tuned for all the latest.

The Defenders arrives on August 18th, with The Punisher coming later this year. Daredevil seasons 1 and 2, Jessica Jones season 1, Luke Cage season 1, and Iron Fist season 1 are now available on Netflix. Premiere dates for the next seasons of Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Luke Cage have not yet been revealed.

Source: That Hashtag Show