Back in July, Lyft offered to give $550 in credit to Chicago residents who proved they could live without their car for a month, substituting a mixture of Lyft, Zipcar, bike shares and public transit. It’s now offering a similar deal to residents in 35 other US cities …

The exact deal varies with the city, but the ones we checked all seem to provide around $500 in credit, split between several different transport options – with Lyft itself of course presented as the main one.

For example, for New York:

While in San Francisco:

Lyft President John Zimmer argued to The Verge that it was more than just a marketing gimmick.

Personally, I already live without a car, walking and cycling most places, with public transit picking up the slack. But that’s very easy, living child-free in central London. What about you? Could you see yourself giving it a go, or do you consider it a non-starter for your lifestyle? Let us know in the comments.

“There’s enthusiasm to try it,” Zimmer said. “By making it a movement, by making it an event, people are like, ‘Oh, let me try this experiment.’ Then they realize, ‘Wow, I get all this time back. I’m actually saving money. I’m more relaxed.’”