Apple has informed App Store developers that two major iOS app store features will not make their way ‘back to the mac.’ These are Game Center and in app purchases. In app purchases allow App Store developers to go with a “freemium” app model meaning they can sell the app for free and let the users buy more features over time. This is a feature many developers and users enjoy and take advantage of alike. Game Center will also not make its way to the Mac and this is something we personally felt would be quite cool on the Mac. With all the upcoming and current games and the Mac, Game Center would be an awesome way to get the social expierience going. It could have even integrated with iOS leaderboards, for iOS versions of Mac games. Apple seems to be limiting Mac App Store features: Yesterday we found out that promo codes would not be available for the Mac App Store and we recently found out that demos, betas, and trials would not be allowed either. The Mac App Store is expected to launch in January as announced in October.