Apple conceded the existence of this bug earlier this week, after multiple reports complained of its existence following our earlier report the prior week. The seed is said to contain just one issue and to carry two sets of release notes, suggesting the code’s on the fast-track to release, once successful testing is completed. The software also promised reliability improvements across Apple apps, including iWork, iLife, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, MobileMe, iDisk, and Safari. The only known Issues in the release is that Image Capture returns a black image when scanning in black-&-white and Image Correction is in manual. Read on for full notes…

From the seed notes: Focus Areas (Changes in 10C527f): AFP – Resolves a panic in AFP. AppKit – Fix in NSButton, where buttons can be archived for those developing in Interface Builder. BezelServices – Resolves an issue where users were unable to manually adjust the screen dimming/key brightness on their portables. ColorSync – Resolves custom color profiles over reboots. CoreServicesUIAgent – Downloaded folders from zip files will open in the finder. GraphicsDrivers – Fixes to stencil renderbuffers. – Resolves a crash in OpenCL. – Resolves screen flickering issue. – Resolves a QuickTime Player X stuttering issue when playing 1080p content. iChat – Resolves an iChat hang on launch issue. Image Capture – Resolves an issue where the correct height & width values are returned for Nikon cameras. – Fixes a problem where when two FireWire card readers are connected, the volume name is unaccessible. – Resolves an issue where older Canon and Sony PTP cameras failed to see images. ipsec – Resolves an issue where the VPN connection remains active while transferring data. Persistence – Improves the response time when making edits to AddressBook. Quartz Composer – Fixes an iMovie crash when looping preview of titles in the skimming palette. QuartzCore – Fixes color shift issues in iMovie. QuickTime Player – Resolves document types so that movies that play in QuickTime, can also play in QuickTime Player X. [Other fixed issues] – an issue that might cause your system to logout unexpectedly – a graphics distortion in Safari Top Sites – Spotlight search results not showing Exchange contacts – a problem that prevented authenticating as an administrative user – issues when using NTFS and WebDAV file servers – the reliability of menu extras – an issue with the 4-finger swipe gesture – an issue that causes Mail to quit unexpectedly when setting up an Exchange server – Address Book becoming unresponsive when editing – a problem adding images to contacts in Address Book – an issue that prevented opening files downloaded from the Internet – Safari plug-in reliability – general reliability improvements for iWork, iLife, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, MobileMe, and iDisk – an issue that caused data to be deleted when using a guest account. Via: World of Apple