He also adds: “I’ve enjoyed learning how to use a Mac, it’s something I never did in the first part of my career and it’s nice seeing what both sides can do because I do different things with different machines.” The Intel CEO also talks a little on the future of the mobile phone, “to become nothing more than a very portable computer”.  He touches on Intel’s new Atom processor, which he describes as “about as fast as the fastest laptop in the world was a couple of years ago but very low power.” Atom will appear in low-cost devices and handhelds when it reaches market. Otellini also speaks up for Wimax, promising support for the wide area wireless network standard will appear this year, and “starts going into handheld devices, starting next year.” “I think you’ll sit here a year from now and you’ll have tens of millions of subscribers and you’ll move to hundreds of millions of subscribers say two years later than that.” Read the report here.