Twitter for Mac has arrived, as have 999 other Apps at the all-new Mac App Store — so why are we mentioning Twitter? Because it keeps a promise made by MacHeist, offering exclusive access to secret Twitter features. If you ever purchased the second nanoBundle from MacHeist you were promised a beta of Tweetie 2, but you never got it. Don’t worry — MacHeist is offering purchasers exclusive access to beta, or features in progress for Twitter for Mac. If you are one of these watch your in-box for your exclusive secret key. Here’s what MacHeist has to say: “But wait!” You say. “What about us nanoBundle 2 customers? We in part bought into the future of Tweetie! You guys haven’t abandoned us have you?” We haven’t forgotten about you guys, and neither has Loren… You see, while everyone is able to check out Twitter for Mac today, only you guys are able to enter the backdoor and unlock access to pre-release builds and a secret experimental features menu. Yes, we know. This is totally MacHeist. The entrance is hidden, but straightforward to find and unlock. You’ll want to have your MacHeist Tweetie license number handy. First, visit the Mac App Store and download Twitter for Mac. Open it. Click the Help menu and hold command + option + control at the same time. Finally, take a moment of self-satisfaction as you unlock the near future.”